Caribou Gear Tarp

Antler growth in NM


Active member
Jan 28, 2019
So these COVID quarantine restrictions are really throwing a wrench in my summer scouting plans. I’m trying to be respectful for now and delay my plans to come down. I was planning on coming down In a week or so to map out some camp spots and clock how long it’s going to take to hike into a few glassing spots in 13. Looks like I might have to delay those plans and rely more and more on my e-scouting

With that said one thing I was hoping to to see was how antler growth was? I know there was a ton of moisture from feb-April but may and June have been somewhat dry. 2019 looked like great moisture but from what I have read and listened to on podcasts the antler growth was really good but not great. A few outfitters ive heard say on podcasts that they attributed it to recovery from the 2018 drought. My hopes were 2020 would be better based on the good early spring moisture and not as much “recovery” from 2019. Anyways would love to hear Your thoughts or opinions on 2020 growth.
What part of New Mexico are you referring? Up here in the north and especially northeast parts is had been dreadfully dry from last summer until the last two weeks.
I’ve been looking at the rain charts on go hunt. Total rainfall look pretty close to 2019 up through May. From what I’ve heard and read March-May is the most crucial time period spring green up and thus also good for for antler growth and then aug-oct is good for triggering the rut?
My hope is that the green up was good again this year and that 2 solid years in a row will result in some real healthy herds. Also, I wouldn’t mind seeing some above-average antler growth for probably my only good tag in a long time 😁
Just got 1st measurable rain at my place this summer. It's been a very hot summer, for here. Poor early winter after a poor monsoon year,turned into best spring in 10.
Elk herds were very healthy looking this spring,good calve year. Bulls always amaze me here...
Cloudy this morn with rain forecast and good monsoonal flow for next week. Come on monsoons!!
Following: would love to hear how the Gila and Sacramento’s have been doing for moisture so far this year from any folks down there
It has been really dry down here
Following: would love to hear how the Gila and Sacramento’s have been doing for moisture so far this year from any folks down there
It has been very dry and hot this spring and summer in the Gila and the Sacs. The higher elevations had some moisture but I am a mile high and have only had a few sprinkles so far. Last year the calf recruitment was good. Have not heard anything about this summer. 2017 and 2018 it was dry as hell. Not so much this year.
Southern central NM has been very dry since March. We’ve gone from the first of March until a few days ago with record high temps, no moisture at all and then it was a hit and miss 30 minute rain, some places got some some didn’t. Since March my rain gauge has only measured 3/8 of an inch total. Several wallows and water holes I know of are bone dry and all the grass is short and brown. We really need rain and a lot of it ! Today is another warm, sunny day.
Southern central NM has been very dry since March. We’ve gone from the first of March until a few days ago with record high temps, no moisture at all and then it was a hit and miss 30 minute rain, some places got some some didn’t. Since March my rain gauge has only measured 3/8 of an inch total. Several wallows and water holes I know of are bone dry and all the grass is short and brown. We really need rain and a lot of it ! Today is another warm, sunny day.
It has been rather hot here too. Had to stall horses a few afternoons. Usually 85-90 in the foothills not 105!
It has been rather hot here too. Had to stall horses a few afternoons. Usually 85-90 in the foothills not 105!
90 last week here & @ 7500' the sun is a killer.
.35" this week. 72 & clouds building again. Good forecast for next 2 weeks for the Gila/AZ border area. Not so good for NW NM.
Watching the weather now in the Sacramento’s, flood advisorys today and rain forecast all week. Hopefully the bulls will finish strong
Maybe you can help me understand the moisture that shows up there for monsoon season: does it primarily precipitate in the form of thunderstorms?
Maybe you can help me understand the moisture that shows up there for monsoon season: does it primarily precipitate in the form of thunderstorms?
Yep, the thunderheads build daily and you hope. Most of our yearly moisture comes now. Today is perfect example. 90% chance. Moisture from both gulfs flow up thru Mexico.
Fenceline rains. Sometimes heavy downpours. Flashfloods common. Roads get real dicey. Lightning strikes common.
Bring it on!
Watching the weather now in the Sacramento’s, flood advisorys today and rain forecast all week. Hopefully the bulls will finish strong

We have been getting rain but it’s so darn spotty...Yesterday I watched dark clouds and thunder go by and never got a drop and I’m right up against the mountains. Need a couple real good soakers longer than 15 minutes !! Temps have dropped to mid 70’s for the rest of the week though.
looks like im gonna be coming down next week and "quarantining" in my tent down in datil so get some scouting in for 13....