Another Bonus For Getting In "Elk Shape"


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2009
North Carolina
As with many easterners and flatlanders, I got my butt handed to me on my first elk hunt a couple years ago. So before this past Sept, I vowed to get my act together and be ready.

Right after that hunt 2 years ago, I started working out, running 3+ miles almost daily, hiking with my hunting pack with 70 lbs, eating better, and dropped 25 lbs for no other reason but to be able to hit those western Montana mountains without feeling like I would die and to enjoy the hunt. The hunt went great, and my plan worked. I felt a million times better than before, and the guy I hunt with, who goes yearly for over 20 years was surprised at how much better I ran around the mountains. But that's not what this thread is about.

As you gradually get in shape, it's really hard to tell, other than you shirts fit differently...looser in the belly and tighter in the sleeves.
But when I went for my regular physical, the blood work showed a significant change. My cholesterol is perfect, BP has lowered to the point that he lowered my BP meds because it was too low, and after monitoring for the next few weeks, may come off completely. I have been a type 2 diabetic for 10 years, and that has reversed and I am no longer a diabetic. I am 49 and 155 lbs at 5'6", which is my ideal body weight. Pretty much, all of my bad stuff is down and my good stuff is up!:hump:

So elk hunting, which was what use to almost kill me may have prolonged my life! Along with the best meat walking the woods, it's just a win win!

I thought I'd share!
THIS is truly the best reason to be in shape! Being nimble and athletic on the mountain is the byproduct of being healthy, not the other way around. Glad to hear it!
Feel good story genesis, beats the heck out of side effect pill popping...keep it up.
Very inspirational story for sure. Thanks for sharing with us. Glad to hear that your lifestyle changes have produced measurable results
Cool, I totally understand. 5 years ago I lost 60+ lbs. Now I can cover the mountains like I did 20 years ago. I am 53 years old now and my doctor cut my blood pressure meds also. Great job, keep it up!
I agree. 55 pounds for me. I feel better all the way around! 3 years and counting.
Genesis, good to see another NCHF guy on here! I'll 2nd all of this. My wife hammers me all winter long about running more, etc. Sure enough, come June/July, I am in full fledged exercise mode. She has asked me why hunting gets me to workout more than she does on numerous occasions. I'll 2nd the BP comment, at my last physical, we talked about going off the meds completely. Glad you all had a good hunt in Sept. We're heading west for a 3rd season CO hunt in early Nov.
Great job and thanks for sharing. Love the inspiration...could have used a little this morning when my alarm went off and I hit snooze and missed my workout!!!!
I totally agree with you about how being in shape makes you feel 20 years younger, I'm also 54.
It's also much more fun killing ourselves hunting elk than it is killing ourselves with diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
Congrats to you!
Good Job!!!! I need to lose about 50 pounds not only to help in the mountains but also to ensure that I can be a good dad for my little girl.
Congrats! When i need a little motivation in the gym i think of elk hunting. It makes me push that much harder.
As with many easterners and flatlanders, I got my butt handed to me on my first elk hunt a couple years ago. So before this past Sept, I vowed to get my act together and be ready.

Right after that hunt 2 years ago, I started working out, running 3+ miles almost daily, hiking with my hunting pack with 70 lbs, eating better, and dropped 25 lbs for no other reason but to be able to hit those western Montana mountains without feeling like I would die and to enjoy the hunt. The hunt went great, and my plan worked. I felt a million times better than before, and the guy I hunt with, who goes yearly for over 20 years was surprised at how much better I ran around the mountains. But that's not what this thread is about.

As you gradually get in shape, it's really hard to tell, other than you shirts fit differently...looser in the belly and tighter in the sleeves.
But when I went for my regular physical, the blood work showed a significant change. My cholesterol is perfect, BP has lowered to the point that he lowered my BP meds because it was too low, and after monitoring for the next few weeks, may come off completely. I have been a type 2 diabetic for 10 years, and that has reversed and I am no longer a diabetic. I am 49 and 155 lbs at 5'6", which is my ideal body weight. Pretty much, all of my bad stuff is down and my good stuff is up!:hump:

So elk hunting, which was what use to almost kill me may have prolonged my life! Along with the best meat walking the woods, it's just a win win!

I thought I'd share!

I don't know you from Adam, but this me happy!! Good for you!!!
Keep it up my friend and keep chasing critters for another 20 years!
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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