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Another Biden Nominee

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Trump is the best president we've had in my lifetime so not sure why people are saying that's evidence of the bar being low. Now Biden? Complete joke and an embarrassment to our country. I'd like Trump again in 2024, or Desantis. Actually I'd probably prefer Desantis, just because I feel like Trump is too old. But I believe Desantis has already said he won't run. So Trump it is. I don't think there's anyone else qualified who's willing to step up.
The appointment looks pretty bad and I 100% agree with the sentiment that the best and brightest in our country want no part of the whitehouse, and I think you can point to extremist party views and mudslinging as the cause of that. There are many, many people on social media platforms whose entire form of entertainment are ripping on others of the opposite party.

That said, the 2nd amendment isn't going anywhere, lets not be so dramatic
Appointing this clown to the ATF head will strengthen the 2nd amendment in the long run.
Waco was a tragedy all around with plenty of blame to go around, but let's not make chit up about the guy. Plenty of good reasons to oppose him based on his statements & positions relative to gun control.

I stand corrected. But IMO, Chipman is still a gun grabbing POS.
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