Caribou Gear

Ammon Bundy convicted in trespassing trial

What an ass. Gets out of jail after posting bond and goes right back to the legislature building he'd been ordered to stay away from. It's time that guy started exercising his right to free speech in a prison. The cops have better things to do than continually babysitting this grandstanding troublemaker.
Ammon Bundy is a great example of how mistakes long ago can come back to haunt in the present.

It was a long time ago, back when Ammon was just another goat roper in his dad's melon patch.

There was a different administration in charge, and appointments to Interior, Fish and Wildlife, BLM, were something to be doled out to interest groups who helped to elect that officeholder more interested in interns than sagebrush. It was back when millions of dollars of PR funds were misappreciated (fancy word for stolen) for Euro junkets, big bonuses handed out by the director to buddies, funding for anti trapping groups, and an interest in working together with advocacy groups like the CBD, Defenders of Wildlife, and whoever else had a staff attorney and enough boosters to show up at a meeting.

In this case there was an unusual alliance of interests, big developers who wanted condos and shopping malls in the desert outside vegas, and environmentalists who wanted to rid eastern Nevada of rancher and secure it for any critter they could make endangered. Developers have political clout, and lots of money for lobbyists, developers measure money in billions.

Babbitt was sec of Interior. Meetings were held, some public, and some behind closed doors, it was the way of the world back then, no open meetings laws. You know how it is, you take a little you gotta give a little.

Developers got some huge chunks of land that included plenty of desert tortoise habitat. Environmentalists got a brand spanking new tortoise research facility, employment for anyone loosely associated with tortoises at said facility where they were going to re home displaced tortoises, which if you'll allow me I will now call turtles, and best of all the BLM allotments, which run to god knows how many acres per cow in that dry habitat, would now be off limits to cattle. No grazing allotments, no ranches, jobs for everyone, and the only one's screwed were ranchers who were barely clinging on anyway.

Most everyone moved on. Such is the way of the federal government and forces beyond your control. Win some lose some. Buck up and get a job or better yet sell the original homestead to developers and cut it up into ranchettes for Californians on retirement.

Old man Bundy being one of the biggest ranchers and having good water hung on and invented cockamamie reasons not to obey the thing about not grazing cattle.

Meanwhile down the road a decade and a half the housing bubble burst burst in Vegas, the funding for the Turtle sanctuary evaporated, and it closed along with all of the turtles that everyone had delivered after keeping them as pets in terrariums for years and giving them viruses from other souvenirs. And we're left with an anti government evangelical.

In mid-1991, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service approved a short-term conservation plan that allowed for development of about 22,000 acres of tortoise habitat in and around Las Vegas in exchange for strict conservation measures on 400,000 acres of federal BLM land south of the city. This included the elimination of livestock grazing and strict limits on off-road vehicle use in the protected tortoise habitat. In 1993, a permanent conservation plan was put into place that more than doubled the conservation area, and included the Bunkerville Allotment.[12]
The government works for US, not the other way around.
WE tell the government what to do. Our Constitution gives "US" control!
Nowhere in the Constitution does it concede that power to some fat, rich, unelected, Gov't bureaucrat in D.C. that doesn't know a bull elk from a trumpeter swan.

To think that DC is the "all knowing", "final answer" and "ultimate power" is asinine!
Ammon Bundy is a great example of how mistakes long ago can come back to haunt in the present.

It was a long time ago, back when Ammon was just another goat roper in his dad's melon patch.

There was a different administration in charge, and appointments to Interior, Fish and Wildlife, BLM, were something to be doled out to interest groups who helped to elect that officeholder more interested in interns than sagebrush. It was back when millions of dollars of PR funds were misappreciated (fancy word for stolen) for Euro junkets, big bonuses handed out by the director to buddies, funding for anti trapping groups, and an interest in working together with advocacy groups like the CBD, Defenders of Wildlife, and whoever else had a staff attorney and enough boosters to show up at a meeting.

In this case there was an unusual alliance of interests, big developers who wanted condos and shopping malls in the desert outside vegas, and environmentalists who wanted to rid eastern Nevada of rancher and secure it for any critter they could make endangered. Developers have political clout, and lots of money for lobbyists, developers measure money in billions.

Babbitt was sec of Interior. Meetings were held, some public, and some behind closed doors, it was the way of the world back then, no open meetings laws. You know how it is, you take a little you gotta give a little.

Developers got some huge chunks of land that included plenty of desert tortoise habitat. Environmentalists got a brand spanking new tortoise research facility, employment for anyone loosely associated with tortoises at said facility where they were going to re home displaced tortoises, which if you'll allow me I will now call turtles, and best of all the BLM allotments, which run to god knows how many acres per cow in that dry habitat, would now be off limits to cattle. No grazing allotments, no ranches, jobs for everyone, and the only one's screwed were ranchers who were barely clinging on anyway.

Most everyone moved on. Such is the way of the federal government and forces beyond your control. Win some lose some. Buck up and get a job or better yet sell the original homestead to developers and cut it up into ranchettes for Californians on retirement.

Old man Bundy being one of the biggest ranchers and having good water hung on and invented cockamamie reasons not to obey the thing about not grazing cattle.

Meanwhile down the road a decade and a half the housing bubble burst burst in Vegas, the funding for the Turtle sanctuary evaporated, and it closed along with all of the turtles that everyone had delivered after keeping them as pets in terrariums for years and giving them viruses from other souvenirs. And we're left with an anti government evangelical.

Nice job stretching the truth. Ammon Bundy was not paying his grazing fees. Had nothing to do with his cattle being removed for tortise habitat. The feds attempted to remove his cattle for failure to pay rent. Due process was followed: warnings, eviction notice, etc. He simply chose to ignore it. Undoubtedly he was also not abiding by grazing regulations (pairs per acre, etc.). The Bundy cult thinks they're above the law the rest of us are obliged to follow. Someone stops paying rent on a house you own, aren't you going to kick them out so you can rent it to someone else? In many jurisdictions landlords can seize property for unpaid rent. Why should those assholes be treated any differently?
Idahos next governor?
He's making a run for it and may have a chance. Being a Mormon will be a strong draw for south Idaho voters while being a violent anti govt nut will appeal to the vigilante crazies up in the panhandle.
The government works for US, not the other way around.
WE tell the government what to do. Our Constitution gives "US" control!
Nowhere in the Constitution does it concede that power to some fat, rich, unelected, Gov't bureaucrat in D.C. that doesn't know a bull elk from a trumpeter swan.

To think that DC is the "all knowing", "final answer" and "ultimate power" is asinine!
Then stay the hell out of the US. No skin off your back. Easy peasy. :ROFLMAO:
Then stay the hell out of the US. No skin off your back. Easy peasy. :ROFLMAO:
That is your choice, not mine! My Gov ain't an a$$hole!
I don't have to look over my shoulder for Trudeau and his asinine gun laws. I carry a pistol on my hip everyday.
I've got prime, non government provided healthcare and sensibly priced drugs.
Thanks, but no thanks!

I'll stay right here in the good old U. S. of A. and vote for Trump in 2024.

Of course, you'll vote Biden "if he's still alive" or "Commie Lah" Harris if Biden gets lost in his basement again! What a putz!
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