Yeti GOBOX Collection

Ammon Bundy convicted in trespassing trial

The government works for US, not the other way around.
WE tell the government what to do. Our Constitution gives "US" control!
Nowhere in the Constitution does it concede that power to some fat, rich, unelected, Gov't bureaucrat in D.C. that doesn't know a bull elk from a trumpeter swan.

To think that DC is the "all knowing", "final answer" and "ultimate power" is asinine!

That is your choice, not mine! My Gov ain't an a$$hole!
I don't have to look over my shoulder for Trudeau and his asinine gun laws. I carry a pistol on my hip everyday.
I've got prime, non government provided healthcare and sensibly priced drugs.
Thanks, but no thanks!

I'll stay right here in the good old U. S. of A. and vote for Trump in 2024.

Of course, you'll vote Biden "if he's still alive" or "Commie Lah" Harris if Biden gets lost in his basement again! What a putz!

I am surprised you are able to get connected to the internet most days.
**editing this to say nothing because I don't want to get my account locked.

Especially won't comment about how nice it must be to have: "non government provided healthcare and sensibly priced drugs."
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That is your choice, not mine! My Gov ain't an a$$hole!
I don't have to look over my shoulder for Trudeau and his asinine gun laws. I carry a pistol on my hip everyday.
I've got prime, non government provided healthcare and sensibly priced drugs.
Thanks, but no thanks!

I'll stay right here in the good old U. S. of A. and vote for Trump in 2024.

Of course, you'll vote Biden "if he's still alive" or "Commie Lah" Harris if Biden gets lost in his basement again! What a putzk t
That is your choice, not mine! My Gov ain't an a$$hole!
I don't have to look over my shoulder for Trudeau and his asinine gun laws. I carry a pistol on my hip everyday.
I've got prime, non government provided healthcare and sensibly priced drugs.
Thanks, but no thanks!

I'll stay right here in the good old U. S. of A. and vote for Trump in 2024.

Of course, you'll vote Biden "if he's still alive" or "Commie Lah" Harris if Biden gets lost in his basement again! What a putz!
may be time for you to go elsewhere…
Ammon Bundy is, without a doubt, an activist. As such, he (and his dad) have stepped on a lot of toes.
I've read both sides of the coin.
One group says Bundy is a hero. On the other side, he's a horror!

Right, wrong or indifferent, Bundy is fighting for what he thinks is right. I commend him for that.
Bundy has been drug into federal courts twice. Once for the Nevada standoff and once for the Malhuer standoff. He still isn't in prison.
For the Nevada affair, he was convicted, but 10 months later, it was declared a "mistrial" and he was released.
For the Malhuer affair, he was found not guilty
Bundy is either correct in fighting the Gov't, or the Gov't is so inept, why in hell would you put it in charge of anything more than a peanut stand?

Several on here have claimed Bundy is a low life criminal. Then why can't the Gov't indict and convict him?

I don't know what Bundy is up to.
I don't CARE what Bundy is up to.
But I know this. He's kicked the government's butt ever way of Sunday!
The penny-ante trespassing b.s.? People do it every day, but because the perps name is "Ammon Bundy", it's suddenly a major offense that deserves a spot on the national news!
Ammon Bundy is, without a doubt, an activist. As such, he (and his dad) have stepped on a lot of toes.
I've read both sides of the coin.
One group says Bundy is a hero. On the other side, he's a horror!

Right, wrong or indifferent, Bundy is fighting for what he thinks is right. I commend him for that.
Bundy has been drug into federal courts twice. Once for the Nevada standoff and once for the Malhuer standoff. He still isn't in prison.
For the Nevada affair, he was convicted, but 10 months later, it was declared a "mistrial" and he was released.
For the Malhuer affair, he was found not guilty
Bundy is either correct in fighting the Gov't, or the Gov't is so inept, why in hell would you put it in charge of anything more than a peanut stand?

Several on here have claimed Bundy is a low life criminal. Then why can't the Gov't indict and convict him?

I don't know what Bundy is up to.
I don't CARE what Bundy is up to.
But I know this. He's kicked the government's butt ever way of Sunday!
The penny-ante trespassing b.s.? People do it every day, but because the perps name is "Ammon Bundy", it's suddenly a major offense that deserves a spot on the national news!
Bubba aka Otto, you dragged the unmoderated Field and Stream forum into a grave with your nonsense antiliberal antigovernment daily rants. You and that 30-06crm character. This is the wrong place for that crap. Be gone.
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Bubba aka Otto, you dragged the unmoderated Field and Stream forum into a grave with your nonsense antiliberal daily rants. You and that 30-06crm character. This is the wrong place for that crap. Be gone.
Be gone? 😂🤣
This ain't "Facebook" and Randy ain't "Zuckerberg"!

You're the one offended, you "Be gone"!

On the other hand, I don't see you defending the Gov't in it's ineptitude in being able to charge and convict Bundy for what you consider egregious breaches of the law?
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Several on here have claimed Bundy is a low life criminal. Then why can't the Gov't indict and convict him?
Because the justice system is inherently built to favor the defendant, and (rightfully so) necessitates the prosecution follow very strict rules.

In complex and high profile trials, small missteps equal the results we’ve seen.

Penny ante BS? Carry on…..
He is right about the u.s. needs to step up and get convictions for criminals.
To many criminals using popularity and politics to get away with crimes.
Presidential pardons are the most obvious example but it happens in many ways from judges and jury's to police and prosecutor's
At least Otto is in agreement that bundy is a criminal who has skirted the justice system and obviously has the same feelings for black lives matters and antifa activists who break the law and avoid prosecution.
I am glad you are being reasonable and fair sir.
👏 👏 👏
Because it's annoying to haul around. I don't wear a hammer on my hip to the grocery store for the same reason. It's annoying and the odds of me finding a loose nail don't warrant the effort.

I could stand on the street corner of County Square yelling about whatever grievance I can think of that day, but that's also a right I choose not to exercise.
I just want to know who’s gonna fight “the man” if the man fighting “the man” gets elected and becomes “the man”?

At least there’s a precedent for the disaffected to follow if Bundy is elected and the residents of Idaho don’t like his policies.
“The Tree of Liberty must be buttressed by an occasional armed occupation.” - GM 2021
I pledge to do my part by going to the local
VFW park and stand on top of the artillery piece while yelling, “Wolverines!”
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