Alaska Black Bear – Part III

Fed Ex comes to Petersburg once each morning. It has come and gone, without our production gear. Brad is feverishly working the phones to locate it. Probably already listed as "buy now" on E-bay.

A five day hunt is now a four day hunt. One rare day of amazing blue bird weather, wasted while walking the streets of Petersburg.

Advice from this side of the fence - If you want to seriously compromise your hunts, start a TV show.

All we have is my little Canon G10 to capture my adult language at this time. :mad:
Hey that is still plenty of time to get er done. We were having bad luck up there one year and then downed 3 good blackies in about a 5 hour period 1 was a 23 year old sow!:hump:
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Sounds like you're only going to have 3 days to film all of your "after the kill" footage. :)

Best of luck.
Dang, only a few pieces arrived. Trying to decide if we limp along with such limited gear and just two batteries, hoping the rest could be flown out to us later tomorrow. But, if it doesn't come in tomorrow, the next cargo flight is Tuesday. No way we can make it that long with this little stack of film gear.

Hmmmmmmm. What to do, what to do?

I think we will
Well, the question is answered for us. The transporters cannot get us out today. All planes are booked. So, they can get us out around noon tomorrow. Hopefully the rest of the gear will come on the morning flight and we go kill big Yogi on Saturday.

Pburg is a cool little town, so it could be worse. Plenty other AK towns I have been to that would be rather miserable places to be derailed,
Forget filming the hunt live and have it animated.

The first ever animated hunting show............Now there's some ''Fresh Tracks''!;)

Good luck,hope you're able to salvage an enjoyable hunt out of the madness.
When we were living in Kenya, my mom declared that her middle name should be changed to "Flexible" as things seemed to never pan out as planned. Randy "Flexible" Newberg, CPA and TV host...... has a nice ring to it.

The sad part of this story is that the adventure of being flexible is not even able to be captured on film as the camera's delivery address evidently also decided to be "flexible".
I see Big Fin is signed in on the board this morning. That's either more bad news about the bear hunt or you already got it done. Hope you can pull a good hunt out of this. Its about time Alaska gives you a good one.
I see Big Fin is signed in on the board this morning. That's either more bad news about the bear hunt or you already got it done. Hope you can pull a good hunt out of this. Its about time Alaska gives you a good one.

Just checking in while we wait for our flight out. We are going out on the first flight we can catch today, even with the marginal amount of production gear. None of our food made it, missing one tent and one sleeping bag, some dry bags, one of our stoves, one of the water filters, and a bunch of other camp gear.

Looks like we cannot get flown out until later this afternoon, so we will have one last chance with the morning cargo flight. If not on that flight, we can get some replacements in Pburg, to cover the minimums. Purchases here in Pburg are priced according to need/alternatives, and right now, our need it high and alternatives are low, so ,we are at the mercy of the local merchants who are very nice people.

Good news is that the SOAR raft made it, along with paddles, pump, etc. At least I won't be confined to walking the shores of the Pacific.

But in the bigger picture we're going on a four day bear hunt, so what's to fret. Nothing. Gonna be fun, no matter what. I am hunting black bears in my favorite of all bear hunting grounds. It just doesn't get any better than that, no matter the gear situation.

Given the new show format shows what goes on behind the scenes, if nothing else, it gives a little more "behind the scenes" commentary to how we will get this filmed without tripods, without much audio, with few batteries, and the many other production pieces that are normally part of a Warm Springs Production.

So, if the audio sucks, the footage is shaky, and we don't have much b-roll, no one will really care if we tell a good story and cap it off with a nice bear. That is the plan.
None of our food made it, missing one tent and one sleeping bag, some dry bags, one of our stoves, one of the water filters, and a bunch of other camp gear.
Some years ago, my new wife and I took a delayed honeymoon in Alaska (no, not a hunting trip). We stayed in motels and an RV. My mother-in-law asked us what we were going to eat - my response was "First, we have to kill a bear".

I hope this has been cleared up sufficiently so that you are not starving and visible on camera. Good luck.
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