Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Alaska Bear baits in???


New member
Mar 18, 2003
Panama City, Fl
Hey guys just checking if anyone’s getting some bear baits in this year. I'm getting a late start due to my POW bear hunt that was unsuccessful. Also I'm having a problem finding a partner to bait with. I have few places to think of putting one in but can't do it alone. So if any of you guys are in the Anchorage Wasilla area looking for a partner or know of someone looking for a partner let me know. I have to 30 gallon drums and straps plus dog food and other goodies ready to go.
Nightwolf, sorry to hear about the POW hunt. Did you see many bears on the island? I just talked to a guy from Hollis earlier in the week and he said they are starting to see a ton of bears on the roads and shorelines.
Anyone getting any bait site hits

Any bait site hits yet in the Wasilla/Anchorage area. I know its terriably early yet but I am getting overly anxious. I have not had a hit yet but have seen one blackie about 1/2 of a mile up from the bait site when i was checking it last sunday. So hopefully by this weekend.

Happy hunting

Havent had any luck baiting,and Ive only seen one blackie here in Alaska while it was running across the road,to bad you dont live here in F'Banks otherwise I'd take you up on some hunting.Good luck to you tho,and I hope you harvest three :) Daniel
Dont know. Last weekend my buddies were supposed to put it out, but I think there was to much snow. they are in the area definitly. In 3 days they will definitly be on the hillside.
bear bait

HA three days huh!!!! can I hold you to that cause that would be great. I am actually not even trying to take one. I got mine last year so this year it is the wifes turn with the bow I will be shooting a camara for her.
I'm talking bait on the hillside in 3 I dont expect to see bears until atleast thursday. In 14 years of doing this camp, it usually takes about 4 days until we see major activity.

Were gonna try another area for baiting for griz, yeah were gonna be up north so that will be kinda new on what works or not.
This is my first year baiting so I am alittle new to this. The bait I am using is basically just your 3way horse feed (corn, oats, barley, and dry molases) Plus another 120 pounds of liquid molases. I have been checking it every 3 days and doing hunny burns for atleast 4 hours every three days. In all your knowledege of baiting is there anything else you could suggest. My stand is about 3 miles up the mountain no major roads or trails anywhere near it. I fiqured if I put the hard work in it will reward itself. Trust me it was alot of work getting those bait station up that high.
Hondo i just got back last week and we never seen a bear track. it wasn't even green there. I need to get this bait out. It is probably going to be a late season being it's hard to find a lot of green right now. i'm looking at baiting in the Pt Mckenzie region. It just down the road from me. I figure i got the little su the bears will be wanting to get there for fish later. klmj for you with such a long walk up hill just pop popcorn and cover it in molasses or anything sweet. you can even pop it at the sight. If i bait far in i'll just carry in garbage bags of popcorn. I found out that popcorn butter works great, the bears dig for that crap in the dirt like it was crack!! good luck
Damn thats a good idea about the butter Well guys thanks for the info I am going to check the sight first thing in the A.M. So I will let everybody know the outcome have a good one

good luck klmj.JUst found out my Taxidermist has had three Interior Grizzlies brought in ( 7 1/2', 7 3/4' & an 8 1/2 footer) ANd I just got in from looking at a friends 8 1/2 footer from Kodiak,dang thing was gorgeous.
Anyhow for those baiting good luck as I wish I was out there doing it myself.Guess I'll stick to spot and stalk when I take the boat out...If I ever stop working.Daniel
Back from bear hunting

Well I guess the trip was not a complete loss we have had one bear on bait. It ate a little bit and then left. Has anybody else had any bait hits?

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