A simple question

Cameron Hunt

New member
Apr 1, 2003
the metropolis of Ca
Ok guys, I was looking for the fuse box at Jennifers house so I can hang a new light fixture outside. I asked where it was hiding. Guess what I was told, Ya. "Outside on the garage wall" WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!hump

Tell me how stupid this is... and how many of you guys actualy have your fuse box outside.

I guess I will be cutting through the wall and moving it inside...
everyhouse I have ever seen has a fuse box/ breaker box outside, with the exception of my aunts place in ny

I have seen them both outside and inside. Some houses even run a combination, with one box inside and one out.
In the garage is a prefered place by many, keeps the inside of the house clutter free, not sure whats so weird about it, and why would you want to bring it to the inside of the house. Leave it where its at, I have breaker boxs mounted outside on my barn, no big deal, not sure what your point of thinking is.
Where I work at the wood shop that house 30 workers our switch is out side as well.So if someone was to walk around the corner of the building we lease and flip the switch we be with out power and the lights take 20 minute to come back on.hummmmmm :rolleyes: so our first 15 minute break could be exstended to a 35 minute break hump I wouldn't do that any ways :D
Tell me how stupid this is... and how many of you guys actualy have your fuse box outside.

if its in the garage its not outside.
it is within the structure that it provides service for.

I guess I will be cutting through the wall and moving it inside...

and i guess you will be calling an electrian to come get your power back on when you screw this up.
if you needed to turn the power off at the box to mount a light fixture how do you plan on relocating the panel with the power still on....are you going to pull the meter also?
do yourself a favor, stay away from the service before you hurt yourself.

this guy prefers to do his own electric work also:
I wouldn't recommend moving the "fuse" box without first talking to a journeyman or master electrician near you. From the sounds of your post it is not your house, therefore you could be breaking the law. The law in most states is you can do any electrical work require on your own house without a license. But you cannot do it on your kids, friends etc, houses. If you get caught the fine can be as much as $100,000. Still cheaper than having to pay for the house you are about to burn down...

If the electrical panel is mounted outside there is probably a good reason why it is. In some places the Electrical Code used by that city/county/state may require in that particular case for it to be mounted outside. Most houses that have a basement also has the the panel mounted in it because that is where the undergroud feeders enter the house. Code states that the electrical panel must be located as close as possible to the feeders coming from the meter that is located outside your house.

Electricity is not something to mess with, I got careless a few months ago while we were wiring something and my finger still hasn't healed 100 percent where the electricity left my body.

The main disconect is usually outside as per code requirements in your area or at time of construction. Make sure you have a main dis. either at the pole on the property or pedestal , or on the outside of the house. Code usually dictates that you have a main dis within 7 feet of entering a residence, and I think it has to be ran in conduit.

All kind of codes apply. I with the rest fo the guys get pro help.
Hi and thanks for the info. JB, Unlike you I do have an understanding of electricity and wiring. The main fuse pannel is next to the meter and service disconnect. All that has to be done is to turn the pannel 180 bringing it inside the garage. Oh ya turn the power off too duh.

Any ways every where I have lived they have been inside the garage, or laundry room. Also have seen them in the basement.

The reason I ask this is that it would be so damn simple for any thief to wait till you leave and flip the switch and rob the whole damn house. As for a security system all he would have to do is cut the phone line and the battery back up is useless as well.

There is a main service disconnect at the meter, as that is locked or tagged out by the power co. So why should your main fuse pannel be left outside for any one to tamper with. I talked with a builder today at the job site and he said the only reason they are put outside here is convienence, uniformaty. No code states they have to be out.
sorry I miss understood your post,I thought it was outside in the garage and you were trying to move it inside the house, but see now that its mounted outside the garage.
Ya Gato, sorry didnt make that tooo clear. Scotty, the guy I talked to today basical said that too. All the houses I have lived in have always been inside the garage or house itself. Just seems realy dumb to have it outside where someone can realy mess up your day.
If I cant move it easily, I will put a lock on it.
But if I kill all power, lable all wires and disconnect them I can cut around the box with the saws all and then move it 180* then rewire and re stuco the outside.
The only one I have seen outside was at my fatherinlaw's hunting camp. And it got messed with a few time's through the years.

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