A Poll About Aliens

Do You Believe Humans Have Seen or Encountered Extra Terrestrial Beings On Earth?

  • Yes, based on personal experience

    Votes: 11 5.9%
  • Likely

    Votes: 63 33.5%
  • Neutral

    Votes: 24 12.8%
  • Unlikely

    Votes: 45 23.9%
  • No Way

    Votes: 45 23.9%

  • Total voters
In 150,000 years...maybe, in the last 100... probably not.

The only thing I’m worried about in the woods are weird dudes. My first job was at the Colorado Geological Survey, a couple years before I started an intern was murdered while doing field work. Her story is always in the back of my mind when I fall asleep in a tent.
Hmmmm... as big as the universe is am I so arrogant as to think we’re all that and a bag of nuts? Nope. Do I think there is intelligent life out there? Probably, I just hope they weren’t watching us on Jan 6th. Do I think they all look like E.T.? Doubt it.
Do I think we should run this same poll with Big Foot (Sasquatch)? Absolutely lol....

My favorite:


And I'm solidly agnostic in regards to aliens. I don't know, I don't care, but I think it's unlikely. As a Christian I can go, "Blah blah God created us special blah blah (but might have experiment #2 running elsewhere!)" or as a science geek I can go, "What needed to happen for life to exist here, let alone intelligent life, is such a 1 - 1,000,000,000 shot that it's unlikely to happen anywhere else in a similar timeframe (even though the size of space is enormous)".
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Man don’t know what the view of space x launching oct 2018 but it had me speechless. We rolled up a hill to make phone calls to the wife and kids. It looked like a hot air ballon was floating about a 1000 yards away. My buddy who all up in to the alien stuff was freaking out. It took a couple minutes for it get up high enough too see it was a rocket. Better yet my brother had his kids crying thinking rocket man had sent a nuke.
I suggest watching this film right before your next back country adventure.

I have a read a bunch do the missing 411 stuff and I watched that movie last summer before going into a remote area backpacking. I really want to "believe" in it but it just doesn't do anything for me. Seems to me like confirmation bias after confirmation bias. Some of the cases are definitely weird but a ton of people go into the woods and weird shit is gonna happen. Aliens abducting folks seem as likely to me as David Paulide's inter-demensional travelling bigfoot grabbing them.
I have a read a bunch do the missing 411 stuff and I watched that movie last summer before going into a remote area backpacking. I really want to "believe" in it but it just doesn't do anything for me. Seems to me like confirmation bias after confirmation bias. Some of the cases are definitely weird but a ton of people go into the woods drinking and smoking the devil's lettuce and weird shit is gonna happen. Aliens abducting folks seem as likely to me as David Paulide's inter-demensional travelling bigfoot grabbing them.

I suggest watching this film right before your next back country adventure.

I watched this last night and enjoyed it. Has that, Unsolved Mysteries, vibe, and was well produced.

Something I believe to be false that was repeated frequently in that show in reference to pretty much every event was, "It doesn't make any sense". When in fact there were always plausible, though maybe sometimes improbable, explanations for the disappearances.

Either way it was a good recommendation, and has got that good spooky feel, and the story of Aaron Hedges in the Crazies, is one with a lot of twists.
Ever since retried astronaut Tony Virts did JRE the other day I’ve been thinking about this poster that used to hang in my JR high math class that said
“Shoot for the moon. If you miss, you’re still amongst the stars”
and how that’s total bs because the moon’s only like 239,000 miles away and the nearest star’s like over 4 light years.
So if you shoot for the moon and miss you’re totally f’ed and just floating through nothingness basically forever and you really need to try to turn around and haul ass back for earth.
Ever since retried astronaut Tony Virts did JRE the other day I’ve been thinking about this poster that used to hang in my JR high math class that said
“Shoot for the moon. If you miss, you’re still amongst the stars”
and how that’s total bs because the moon’s only like 239,000 miles away and the nearest star’s like over 4 light years.
So if you shoot for the moon and miss you’re totally f’ed and just floating through nothingness basically forever and you really need to try to turn around and haul ass back for earth.
Oddly enough, I’ve thought the same thing about that dumb quote

I guess if you missed the moon and were floating aimlessly, you’d technically be “among the stars” because there are distant stars in all directions. But, that’s still true if you never left earth.

So, even if you never tried to shoot for the moon, you’re still among the stars.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
I will never camp near or in Shirley Basin again after what I've seen there, witnessed by WG&F higher up, a good friend from top of Snowy Range and 2 other people
Let's just say spotlighting for black footed ferrets was cancelled one night after our sighting .
Something or someone is out there.
I will never camp near or in Shirley Basin again after what I've seen there, witnessed by WG&F higher up, a good friend from top of Snowy Range and 2 other people
Let's just say spotlighting for black footed ferrets was cancelled one night after our sighting .
Something or someone is out there.
I’d like to hear more of that story, though given how much time I spend out there, maybe not.
I saw a UFO while camped on a tiny island with my buddy in NW Ontario. It remained a UFO for a few days until we heard on the radio that it had been the Space Station.
I remain open to it, but seems unlikely. The Universe is like 13 billion years old. Life began on Earth something like 4 billion years ago. Only a handful of homo sapiens on Earth out of TRILLIONS of species arose to the level of intelligence necessary for space exploration.

Not to mention the fact that Earth is rare in it's conditions necessary for life. Sure, we find moons and planets every year that might be suitable for life, but probably not. Life enabling conditions are rare.

Also have to think about the small odds that a civilization managed to evolve to the level of intelligence necessary for advanced faster than speed of light travel concurrent with our own development. Seems unlikely in the span of billions of years (out of billions of years of Earth's existence we've been exploring for like 120 years).

I hear the counter argument "Oh well you're under the impression that carbon based life must be the same sort of life elsewhere if it exists". Okay sure, but why should we posit a different sort of life and then also get psyched about bacteria on Mars? If life exists elsewhere it's probably carbon based.

I'm totally in dilettante territory here, but so is everyone else in this thread. It's all in fun!
How can anyone who has seen "E. T.", not believe that there is life on other planets ?

I dont know about Aliens, but I did ask Malina ( Sun Goddess ) for just a few more minutes of daylight today.

I do find it interesting that non believers in Christianity will say "Oh God Help Me " when confronted with danger, be it weather, animal, or mechanical failure ( aircraft, snowmobile). Why in an emergency do they reach out to something that they dont believe in and according to them, does not exist ?

To answer the question posed by the O.P. Until I have visited each of the known and unknown planets in the universe, I dont know.
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