Caribou Gear Tarp

A Poll About Aliens

Do You Believe Humans Have Seen or Encountered Extra Terrestrial Beings On Earth?

  • Yes, based on personal experience

    Votes: 11 5.9%
  • Likely

    Votes: 63 33.5%
  • Neutral

    Votes: 24 12.8%
  • Unlikely

    Votes: 45 23.9%
  • No Way

    Votes: 45 23.9%

  • Total voters

Nameless Range

Well-known member
Jun 6, 2013
Western Montana
It would be fair to say this has nothing to do with hunting.

Tonight after my wife got home I hiked up a local mountain to snag a trail camera I had put up before Christmas. It was dark and I had my headphones in, and I was listening to Joe Rogan interview a man who claims he was abducted by aliens. Pretty much to a person, when I listen to supposed abductees tell their stories, my BS meter redlines. That said, there seems to be more and better "evidence" of unidentified technology lately - whether it be Navy Pilot David Fravor's story, and the accompanying footage, or just weird statements and signals from government officials. Hiking in the dark, listening to a podcast about some dude getting taken away by aliens, maybe my imagination got to me a bit, but I hiked down the mountain with intent.

Being outdoorsfolk, I suppose hunters and fishermen have ample opportunity to not only be out at night, but be out alone, where they may see things no one else does. So I made a poll.

I find myself in the "Neutral" leaning toward "Likely" category, but have no personal experience. My wife choosing to marry me, being the only inexplicable thing I've ever really seen.
No way. I did, however, see the giant trail of Elon Musk’s new satellites late at night in the Ferris Mountains. I wasn’t sure what was going on at the time, but I was pretty sure it wasn’t aliens. I was leaning more towards a Red Dawn type scenario, and given the type of day I’d been having I wasn’t too opposed to it.
All I'm going to say is every now and then that Ancient Aliens show makes sense.... it also has a phenomenal ability to put me to sleep.

I think with all the stars we can see around us that the probability of other life is extremely high. Not saying that it is intelligent, or intelligent enough to travel light-years through space.
I had a UFO fly right over while hunting several years ago. This was before cell phone cameras or easy to carry little digital point and shoots. If flew over a ridge and I believe it may have landed.

I had a camera back at the truck and to this day, I still kick myself for not driving over there and taking a pic
For those who don't necessarily believe in deities and focus instead on trying to use the logic we currently have, the thought that we are the only living beings in a system as large as we perceive it to be is probably unrealistic. We continue to find new forms of life on earth. There are probably things out there we cannot comprehend or understand the science of. The vast space and travel time keeps things safely apart in my thinking. Accepting what we don't know has never caused me any lack of sleep. Fear of my fellow man and what he is capable of makes me keep one eye peeled out there. It is fun to look at the stars and wonder. Maybe they will be hunting us one day.
For sure the US government has been prepping us for “something”over the last few years by releasing and declassifying reports. What is anyone’s guess but they know something they haven’t shared yet.
About 20 years ago my buddy (now my brother-in-law - I’m married to his sister) and I may have saved the world....we were sitting in a deer blind (a 4’x4’ plywood box for those of you not from Texas) on a ranch right on the Mexican border, about 100 yards from the river. A particularly cold morning right after Christmas and right before daylight. As we were sitting there we heard a strange humming noise getting closer from the northeast near a ridge. Suddenly a very strange shaped slow moving aircraft popped above the horizon about 150 yards away, then it dropped back down. A minute later it popped back up just to our north. We had no idea what it was and soon decided it was aliens and they had made it to earth only to see two idiots freezing in a plywood box before daylight, so they must have realized there was no intelligent life on earth and left. You’re all welcome. We did find out a few years later that they were testing new drones at the Air Force base that was nearby and some conspiracy theory wackos have since tried to convince us that’s what we saw, but I’m not buying it.
Depends on how you define an alien. Do I think there are other humans in an infinite universe similar to us? Absolutely. Do I think there are little green aliens roaming the universe and occasionally visiting earth? No.

Now I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight.
While on an early season hunt in Nevada, I watched some weird shit in the night sky. It seemed like 2 different objects. Just weird. Strange speeds, colors, and movements. After a few minutes, like a light switch, they were instantly gone. I know the military tests a bunch of stuff out there so who knows. Was cool to watch for a bit regardless.
I’m pretty sure this thread officially kicks off the “off-season”

My aunt at age 19 showed up at home hours late, disheveled, and wearing one shoe. She swore up and down she had been abducted by aliens, and took that story to her grave 50 years later. To say that she was “touched” is generous. I don’t know what she was like before the incident. Our family never really knew what to make of it. If I had to guess, maybe she was sexually assaulted/severely traumatized and/or bad LSD trip.
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