A place to buy fur garments

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
I met Josh Hunsaker while on my Alaska Dall Sheep hunt last year. He was one of the packers assigned to us. We spent most spare minutes talking trapping. In addition to his trapping interest, he takes the process a lot further by making fur garments from his wild furs and some from furs he buys from tanneries. Josh lives in, and traps near, Wasilla, Alaska.

This year he made Marcus a beaver hat. He made some fur mittens for Mrs. Fin that are the finest I think I've ever seen.

If you are ever interested in fur garments for yourself or for gifts, you should reach out to Josh. He is the owner of Hunsaker Fur & Co. He only has a FB store, not a full blown website.

FB link here - https://www.facebook.com/Hunsaker-Fur-Co-554958731685208/

You can reach Josh at this number - (907) 315-1662

Here is the hat he made Marcus.....
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