A moment of Silence......

COngrats on an awesome Bruin Moose-Man!! That is one awesome looking bear. Cant wait to see how the mount turns out. Post some #'s when you have them....how much did he weigh, length, etc.

By the way.....you need to get out in the sun some more. You give new meaning to the term "Great WHITE Hunter". :)

COngrats again brotha, you deserve it!

Now it looks like its Bryce and Gunner's turns!! Cant wait to see what the season hold for them!

Hey Bugler, do you have a license for them "guns"! Dang man your HUGE!! Send some of those roids down my way! :)

So where is this 'life size' animal going?

We have plans... (By we I mean me) to build a 700' Sq addition on the back of our house with the main area to be 400Ft2 of 12' walled trophy room area. This bear will go nice in there :D

Whats funny is NOone that I saw asked, commented or questioned my in my Underwear by the river...... Now, Either people are not paying attension, or funny crap in our pictures are becoming the norm and me in undies is aceptable.... HUMMM. Story later ;)

On the Square, I'm gunna measure it out tonight. We never put a Tape on it. From the Length standpoint I'll be surprised if it hits 5' truely. It was like a Hobbit bear. It was studly around the Chest but I don't have any dimensions till tonight.

Now IDBugler strips for a living and is Hawaiian so has a Perma tan. You can;t look at my tan in comparison to him. He has time to lay in the Tan beds wit the Strippers all day at the gym. Some of us make our money the hard way.

So to continue the story....

We get to the bear and it's dead, right in the Stream. We try to move it and can't very well so we snap a few pictures and get to cutting. I decided to do a Full body mount so the Knife goes down it's back. We get it all cut and Loaded up and it's like 7:00. CRAP !! I had a Dinner in my honor at 6:30. I wonder how many people showed up :p I recieved my Plaques and Gift card and stuff today. It was a nice gesture. I'm sure the beer and foodwas good even with me not there :)

So we continue hiking and hear a Whistle. It's Andyman Savage. He missed us by 10 mins he said then drove up to find us. Funny how it took us 2.5 hours to find and cut the bear and start hiking out and then he finds us.. HUMMM.... Slacker *smile*

We hike over to the Boat area. Now, It's hard to get accross the river with 2 people.2 people and a couple "hundy" pound bear also was a feat in itself. Now add a 3rd guy on the Boat and we're dead. So we were on the side of the River trying to decide what to do.....

PSST, this is were the Short video and pictures come out guys, get to posting ya slackers :p)
congrats on the nice bear, hope it doesn't have any rubbed spots on it. Makes a person want to head west.
So after watching these guys cut up and pack the bear most of the way to the boat I came down from my vantage point where I'd been resting for two hours........So like moosie said there were 3 of us plus humvee and one small boat with a very high and fast river to cross. ole moose tells me and bryce to take the bear across and let him commit suicide..errrr... swim across the river. I think he's joking, but dude starts to strip. So I'm thinking either things are about to get "brokeback mountian", or he is serious. he tells us to go first so that we can get some pics. So I paddled us across with bryce huddled in fear watching my massive biceps power the boat over the rapids (thats how I remember it). We then waited to see if moosie could make it. As he jumped into the water I had the camera in one hand and the boat lead in the other in case he had trouble in the icy water.........

When I saw that he had powered through the rapids and wasn't going to die I picked the camera up off the ground and filmed his emergence from the water , butt-crack and all.............

I had a great time meeting these guys and experiencing my first bear hunt
Moosie the master-baiter at work...


we treed a good one........




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