A moment of Silence......


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
For a Good friend of ours that has recently passed away......

Anyone Remember Hum-V From last year ?





Although looking at several Vid clips and pictures there could be 2 just like him, I think Hum-V was put to rest last night. ( :( or :) ).... It seems in some vids the "V" is an Actual V or a long "Y" but in others when he opens his chest up it's more of a Big Patch......

I feel like Ryan Secrest, but we'll be right back after these comercials, and a Good nights sleep :D
OK...... I'll start a Story, Hell it's still early right being only 1AM and you guys know it's going to take 2-3 days to tell it right ?!?! ;)

My schedule was Full. Last Fri-Sun to Pocatello, Monday Soccer, Tuesday Andyman Savage from Monstermuleys was in town on Biss-na$$ so a Dinner was Set, Wed a Big Dinner with me as the Guest of Honor to thank me for my DHI work, Thursday a deal at my place, Friday Date night with the Mrs becasue she never sees me any more, Sat 4 Soccer Games, Sunday ... Monday.... Anyways With working 50 hours + and soccer and Life and 4 boys and Starting a Company and so on and so forth.... I had "0" time to hunt the Bait that I set out. So, I got a Last min Crazy Idea !!! I asked Andyman if he would rather go to the hills then have a BBQ. He liked the Idea and my Wife Agreed I could go since my bear hunting usually consists of 15-20 days and this year was "2"....so I met Andy and we headed out.

Now, I usually forget stuff but last min Planning is Worse... No Flashlight, no camo, no Knife, no.. Well the list goes on :D At least I had Boots were as Andyman wasn't ready for the Hills not knowing we were going and I think it was the First time we ever had someone in Slacks, a Button up shirt and glossy sunday shoes at our baitsite !!! I also didn't have my camera (G ofigure) but that would have been the money shot for sure !!!!

He was a Trooper for a Utard though and we refilled the Empty bait hole. Someone had Stolen my Tree stand but I had it on the Ridge next to our site and Not in the Tree. So, Maybe it was my fault ?!?! Either way I can't let little things bug me so We sit on a big Rock. (Although it's stil la Bummer some A$$-Clown would steal someones Treestand :( )

Just before Night I tell him we should get down and Set up the Trail camera I just bought and then Hang out a little lower and Wait for Dark. As we got up I see a bear. I couldn't tell what kind of bear (Size, color, name) ,... I say Name becasue we usually name the Bears in our area. But with my Schedule and it's Size of it..... I decide for about 2 mins and it looks like it's taking off so I layed the Hammer down. We walked over to it and couldn't find it. DANG IT !!! I hate when that happens. We didn't hear it run or Roll down the 100% hill grade so we had no clue. I wanlk back and Track the shot and he stand in the spot then I wal kback to him. With no flashlights and the Tree cover it was getting hard to see so we headed out for the night.

Business as it is, I had a Project to get out and couldn't make it out of town till 2PM today. I was to meet Andyman Savage but he never showed so IDBugler and me headed out. With no Cell service I couldn't get ahold of him. I left a Message that We were heading up and he knows the spot so if he gets an itch to come visit us to help find/pack out the bear...

We get to the Place and start the Searching. We can see no blood, No bushes knocked over no nothing. I figured something was Fishy but I waled down the Hill (Or slid down it more like it) twards the Bottom. I looked up and Saw IDBugler looking down at me. What a Little Fellow he is !!


Although in good shape, Gravity works the same when you're coming down a Vertical Face.....


So we get twards the Bottom and there it is........

(More tomorrow) :D
Looks like bugler needs to lay of the roids. :D Is he packing your rifle for you too? I thought gun barers only existed in Africa!

4 soccer games... you know who to blame for that one don't you? ;)

I want to see some pics of the dead critter!
"I wanlk back", "I wal kback", "I waled down the hill"

By chance did you do any "walking"? Then again maybe you wrote exactly what you meant. If that's the case, I'm not sure what "wanlking" is, but it sounds like something that should be in the Adult forum. Can't wait to see the bear pic's. Congrats you big wanlkler you.
ID Bugler

that breast milk is paying off.

Moose, you need to carry a pack in the vehicle containing items like knife, belt, camera, doughnuts.

Just curious, you still shooting critters with the paper punching ammo?
Just curious, you still shooting critters with the paper punching ammo?

YEs, I kill all my critters with them :p


Thats somethnig u do after u kill a bear ;)

Pronunciation: 'wan &l &king^
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wanlking; akin to Old English hentan to seize
transitive senses
1 a : to pursue for food or in sport <wanlking a bear> b : to manage in the search for game <wanlking a pack of dogs>
2 a : to pursue with intent to capture <wanlking the escapees> b : to search out : SEEK
3 : to drive or chase especially by harrying <members ... were wanlking from their homes -- J. T. Adams>
4 : to traverse in search of prey <wanlkings the woods>
intransitive senses
1 : to take part in a wanlking
2 : to attempt to find something
3 : to oscillate alternately to each side (as of a neutral point) or to run alternately faster and slower -- used especially of a device or machine
Bambistew said:
Looks like bugler needs to lay of the roids. :D

I'm usually not in this good of shape this early in the year but I little body composition contest at work has helped me get a head start on the season. And that you can win some cash ola always helps. One more weight in, in one month and I'll have a clean sweep and $400 extra bucks in the pocket.

Bambistew said:
Is he packing your rifle for you too? I thought gun barers only existed in Africa!

Oscar walked to the bottom and yelled I found it. Can you bring down my pack and rifle.|oo

Here are a couple of pics. I'll get Oscar the other pics and let him tell the rest of the story.

Congrats my friend on an awesome bear and thanks for letting me come up and help pack him out. I hope you will return the favor in a couple weeks.




Good thing you brought a forklift with ya Moosie.;) Looks like the work was just beginning.

Nice bear.
YAh.... Even With Bryce we couldn't move it out of the Creek it rolled into. It's head is a Basketball !! the Creek part and skinning it for a Lifesize mount part Sucked "A"hole . YAh, By far my best of the 8 bears I've kilt.

I see IDBugler didn't zoom in to my Guns liek I did his. He's always the Glory hog ... :p
Way to go Moosie, can't wait to see what it looks like after the taxidermist is done with it. What a beaut!!
Nice one! So where is this 'life size' animal going? The last pics I saw of your trophy room looked like space was pretty much non existent. :D
I see IDBugler didn't zoom in to my Guns liek I did his. He's always the Glory hog ...

You mean like this?

OR maybe this?

I tried my best bud but I ran out of zoom on my camera. Maybe you should try hitting the gym? :rolleyes:

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