A HT contribution in memory of TopGun?


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2017
Twin Cities
This may be a dumb idea, but I have been struck by all the kind words that have been shared on the "prayers for topgun" thread - many of us were helped by TG. I was thinking it would be nice to have some type of "go fund me" type collection that would then be given to RMEF in topgun's name. Anybody else interested in this?
This may be a dumb idea, but I have been struck by all the kind words that have been shared on the "prayers for topgun" thread - many of us were helped by TG. I was thinking it would be nice to have some type of "go fund me" type collection that would then be given to RMEF in topgun's name. Anybody else interested in this?

Sounds like good plan. A way to honor the man's memory while donating to wildlife.
Set it up and they will donate! Good call VG
I will get it started, but will be no-bells and whistles, I am no designer. Also, I have no pictures of Mike and don't even know his last name. It would be great if someone on HT could send me (or just post in this thread) a decent snapshot of Mike and if possible give me his last name and a sentence or two of a bio - or even a link to his obituary.
Called RMEF and got their EIN - this will be going live shortly.

UPDATE: And got from Big Fin - always good when you get confirmation from your accountant :)
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