a fence for prairie dogs?????

On the Broomfield side, prairie dogs burrows undermined a popular trail,
There may be a reason to remove the pdogs, but I don't think they have to worry too much about folks breaking legs on a trail. :rolleyes:

One Colorado State University study put the prairie dog population at 5 million on 1 million acres of Colorado range.
Damn, guess they are doing well, there were 600K acres a couple years ago.

"We draw a line, and we say wildlife is OK on this side of the line but not on the other," Krank said. "They don't understand those lines, and they fall victim to that."
Because they are prairie dogs you idiot. |oo

The volunteers, many of them environmentalists or students from the University of Colorado at Boulder, learned how to attach chicken wire to a barbed- wire fence and peg an apron of the wire to the ground.
I wonder if that was all classroom training or if they went straight to the field? :rolleyes:

Prairie dogs will walk until they come to a vertical barrier and then try to dig under it. The 2-foot apron of wire is designed to stop them, said Brennan, the wildlife biologist.
It doesn't work, you are wasting your time and dollars.

Curious why the biologist is supervising the operation and then states that it will not work.

I don't agree with Caldara on some issues, but he is a sharp guy and he hit the nail in the head on this one.

Those folks on the Front Range are very entertaining on how they try to manage prairie dogs. Good stuff.
They don't understand those lines
Because they are prairie dogs you idiot.

LMFAO! You just busted my gut miller :D :D Maybe they should try one of those animal psychics...you know, let the p-poodles get in touch with their internal child and teach them to be better critters!
Dang, and I thought this was a post about high fence prairie dog hunting. Always wanted me a trophy prairie dog.
Occasionally I go to Denver for business and just driving to/from the airport makes me itch for my .22. Trophy p-dogs all over the place.
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