A day to remember

It’s getting late and time to turn around. We are at the southern edge of the unit and there only one section of BLM to quickly check. Wanted to rule it out so we could focus on that core canyon area tomorrow morning.

As we start to drive by we see a lone buck in the distance and I write it off as a dinker. Mater on the other hand is awake and says is that one worth getting the glass out.

I take a second look and quickly grab the binoculars. Then a third and fourth, each time saying that is a pretty good buck. He wasn’t worth getting the spotting scope out on. He was a straight to the rifle buck.
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I grabbed my range finder and he was at 398. That seemed doable, so I got the rifle out. I had to get the car off the road further and kind of a rodeo ensued. I wasn’t prepared to find a shooter.

I finally get out into the BLM and find a spot to set up. The buck is making a scrape and is oblivious to us.

I didn’t take into account the 50-70 yards closer I am now and in my excitement I dialed for the 398.
Mater called the first shot high and the buck took off about a hundred yards at an angle. Now I realize it was closer to 300 than 400 with the distance I had to close.

I watched him in the scope looking for any evidence of a hit. He stopped and I sent another without adjusting the scope. That one found its mark. I heard the whap and watched him take off. He ran 40 or so yards, back pedaled, and flipped over backwards. This all happened so quickly and in the last half hour of the day I was in shock of what just happened. My only goal was to get the car taken care of and get to him before it was too dark to find him.
It took 10 min or so to get situated and Mater ready to go look at him. I realized I didn’t check the 3 things I was supposed to in the heat of the moment. I hope I didn’t just screw up. I’ve waited 6 years for this tag.

As we walked we could make him out. He kept getting bigger, his horns longer, and blacker.

Upon getting to him I couldn’t have been more happy. We took a few min and just enjoyed the moment.
Realized I hadn’t taken any photos and light was fading fast. I grabbed a quick few. They were not the greatest in showing off his horns. However, the best one did capture the excitement and exertion of the day in Mater’s face. I think that’s better than poised horn pics.

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Our hunt turned into one very long day. For only being 9, I am super proud of how well Mater did. No real whining and excitement till the end. As I finished processing the buck in the headlights, Mater was sound asleep in the car.

On the way back to the hotel he wakes up and tells me how happy he was to spend the day hunting with me. I tell him I wouldn’t have it any other way and he goes back to sleep.

It was a day to remember.
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Congrats on a successful hunt and a great looking buck. You’re making memories that you both will cherish down the road. Good job!
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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