Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

8 days on the Easton Glacier, MT Baker


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
My 16 year old daughter was one of 9 girls selected by the Northern Cascades Institute's Science and Leadership course called Girls on Ice. They hiked up to and camped on the Easton Glacier, in addition they made the summit on Mt. Baker, which is an active volcano.

Here are some pics. She went on the first week of August and it rained for 5 of the 8 days she was up there.

One last check before making the ascent


On the Mountain




Just a few more

Striking a pose


All the girls



The infamous WAG bag, she wasn't a real fan of leave no trace camping.


That looks to be one great experience for the girls...

I'm glad they had fun and got to play in the rain for a couple days...

That is certainly some beautiful country she was in... :)
Wow! What a great opportunity for a young girl or anyone for that matter. Cool pics and congratulations to all of them.
Congratulations to her for being selected, Nemont. That is some cool country. It would be quite a trip for anyone, much less a 16 year old. Thanks for sharing the photos.
Congratulations to her for being selected, Nemont. That is some cool country. It would be quite a trip for anyone, much less a 16 year old. Thanks for sharing the photos.


Thanks but it really wasn't anything I did. My kids are all way smarter then me. (I suspect they will all go to college;)) She is highly motivated and wanted to push her limits and "overcome some of her fears" this summer.

The only thing I did was give her the debit card to buy what she needed to go. Her mother and I are very proud of her.

Very cool and congrats!!! It's great to see kids of that age pushing themselves and doing it outdoors is even better!

PS- Is she over the depression of getting back to West Dakota? ;)

Your daughter must be a well rounded young lady. You must be proud! Looks like the wife and you are doing a good job.

These are the normal type we need on those reality shows. I am tired of odd balls and whiners. Anyone notice the crew on America's toughest jobs tonight.
Nemont, I want to travel the Middle fork of the Salmon, can i use your Debit card ?!?!?

Thanks for the pictures, Tell her we all appreciate the pictures and sure as heck enjoyed them !!! What all were they trying to learn up there ?
Nemont, That is one Grounded girl to undertake an experience like that and she gets that be fore the trip! Am I mistaken or did she do a "Camp" like this before? John
Thanks for posting. I was wondering when/how her trip was and if you would put up some pictures. Looks like a trip not soon forgotten.
Nemont, That is one Grounded girl to undertake an experience like that and she gets that be fore the trip! Am I mistaken or did she do a "Camp" like this before? John


This is the same one that spent 18 days in the Philippines last August helping build a school and repair homes.

Thanks for all the comments. She took a bunch of pics and I really haven't combed through them all yet just grabbed a few that I thought would be interesting.


You will have to get permission from Mrs. Nemont to borrow the debit card as she keeps all the books. I just used it to buy a boat to fish for Walleyes on Fort Peck so I am uncertain how much coin is available. :D

As for what they learned: Something about sublimation and accumulation zones and other glacier terminology I didn't understand , they have a video that her group did of time lapse photography, they had to collect samples of Ice Worms (which to me kind of sounded like a snipe hunt) but they are real and only live at certain altitudes http://www.nichols.edu/departments/glacier/iceworm.htm

A video of Ice Worms and an explanation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tr1wOl2SF0

They also participated in a wrap up and leadership conference and she will return to Seattle in November for additional leadership training and then she is going to do survival something or other.

Nice Jeff, you must be real proud of the daughter- sounds like an ambitious young girl willing to test her metal! It's pretty amazing what kids these days can be exposed to if they look around and apply themselves!