68" 4 point Whitey shed


New member
Jan 12, 2004
Well I finally I got to go out for a couple hours and change out my trail camera memory cards and do some quick shed hunting........I found 7.....5 scrubs, a nice young 5 point, anddddd the right side to "my" Big-8........what's unreal is I found this shed not 10-feet where I found his left side last year.....he gained in main beam length and definitely in mass, but lost some in brow tine length.....maybe he'll gain it back next year........last years left side measured 62", this years right side measured 68".....................that put's him the mid 150's as a 4x4 and gives him the potential to push the B&C mark next year..... :)

Here's a set of images showing the buck Last July in velvet, this February before he shed, his 2004 shed and this years shed..........the red arrow of course is indicating that little 2" kicker off of his base..........it's kinda of neat to be able to put the images together with something to associate them all with..........I must have close to 20 trail cam pics of this buck during the course of the last year.

Very nice pictures and sheds. What area of North Dakota are you from? And do you get into the snow geese when they come through?
I'm from SW North Dakota, and we are right on the edge of the migration path.......gotta get a little farther noth and to the east to get into the thick of the birds.........I'm more of an upland bird man myself, never really got the opportunity to hunt waterfowl so I never got into it.....

I'm guessing that buck is 3.5 from the other photos I have of him......I can't wait to get him on film as he grows this year..........my priority one right now though, is to find the match to this years shed ;)
Nice buck...I watched a 2 1/2 yr. old free range buck last season that was already close to 130 inches. If he doesn't get run over or poached he'll be a brute in a couple of years.. Didn't get pics but he was predictable all season.

good luck with the sheds

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