Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

56 years

Dont we all? Gotta love bagging the animal of your wildest dreams, to then just wake up in your bed....
Given the same number of years, I disperse some of that anticipation by cutting out trail systems, spending time learning new target areas, and working up new horses. Unlike many of you that only get to hunt a week or so, I have to plan for 30-35 days in the hunt with the infrastructure and enough areas to not get bored pounding the same dirt day after day. A successful season is 200 lbs off the horse, 15-20 lbs off me, and a point of relief when I hit the end of the season and can can take a day or two off without feeling guilty before starting to prepare for the next year. It is almost a point of disappointment when you find an elk too early in the season. Then I have focus on recon or trying to find a buck.
Well i got a cow and it was a great hunt and fun. I was hunting with a 3 guys under 30 and needless to say, they could travel trough the downfall faster than my mature bones. One day i walked about 3/4s of a mile into a great spot and had more squirrel's and chipmunk's than I have ever seen in my life. It really kept the boredom under control and I never felt lonely. I put some trail mix on a blow down tree and they ran back and forth over it and never stopped to partake of the treat. I followed one of the guys on a 7 mile track through some unbelievable downfall from the 100 mile an hour winds that hit Labor day weekend. We did not see any elk but the day was wonderful and a man and his 12 year old daughter scared me out a sound snoring sleep. They were not hunting, just doing a couple days in the back country fishing for bookies. What a cool thing to see a dad with his daughter. The forth morning found me back with the squirrels and chipmunk's. I had just finished a cup of coffee and was standing and stretching my back when I noticed movement through the trees about 135 yards away. Here they come sneaking trough trees, 1, 3, 5, all told 6 head. The lead cow came out skirting the edge and when she was 85 yards she stopped and looked my way. I was already rested against the tree in front of me and I placed the cross hairs on her neck just behind her ear a nd sent a 130 grain 270 through her neck. She never moved again. My friend was able to hear my shot and came and helped get her to our parked atv's. Sorry no pictures, I never carry my phone or any other extra weight.
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