44 mag vs 10mm for grizzly

Well, there are 179 comments so far on the idea what is best 10mm or 44 mag. I will give you my opinion for what it's worth, it's up to you to decide. First off I spent about 20 years as a LEO firearms instructor for my dept. When I started we could only carry double action revolvers. Later on we were given the option to carry semi auto's. At that time the S&W 5906 14 +1 9mm was the most popular pistol. I switched from my S&W model 66 4 inch 357 to the 5906 9mm. Prior to the model 66 I carried a S&W model 57 4 inch 41 mag. After switching to the 9mm my next duty pistol was the S&W 1006 10mm with a 5 inch barrel. It has a 9 + 1 capacity.

One thing I found that when someone switches to a high capacity pistol they rely on volume of fire and tend to forget about accuracy. This is called " spray and pray ". During this discussion I see it popping up frequently, 15 vs 6 rounds. During our transition course which covered 3 1/2 days including 4 hours of night training I had the Deputies fire 1000 rounds. That folks is a lot of time and rounds but it was needed to make them proficient with their duty carry firearm.

So, you probably wondering what do I carry. Well for a concealed carry around Seeley it's a Glock 29 with a 12 round magazine and jacketed flat points. If I'm bowhunting or berry picking or whatever I carry my 41 mag or S&W model 29 44 mag in a Kenei chest holster. The 41 is loaded with 210 grain jacketed flat point silhouette bullets and the 44 is loaded with 260 grain WFN cast bullets. Both are loaded with a maximum charge of H-110. For concealed carry in town I carry a S&W Sheild plus in 9mm with 115 grain hollow points.

But the most important thing is practice. If you can't make your first rounds count your in serious trouble so high capacity is worthless. Spray and pray will get you killed, take what little time you have and make your first round's hits. 15 fast misses do not trump 1 good hit, never has never will. Practice with what you have and make the first round count you may not get a second chance.

Well, there you have it, my opinion based on many years as an instructor. Take it for what it's worth.
Don’t believe it made it into any books
Might I suggest reaching out to meateater? I believe they're working on another close calls book. I'm sure they'd love to publish the story!

I'm also sure many people on here would like to hear it too if you're comfortable.
Ya he had to have surgery and some skin grafts done she ripped a 3 inch wide 3 inch deep 8 inch long gash in his hamstring that was pretty nasty and broke his collar bone! He was straight up throwing fists with that bear the story is pretty crazy I’ll type it up later tonight and put it on here have some pics of his battle wounds too I’ll post
My question..
Been looking at the glock 10 mm with hot bear loads for a back up in case a grizzly decides to invade my space. My gun shop owner says 44 mag over the 10 mm. He's a WY resident and says the 10 mm hype is just that. Im about having close to 3x the firepower vs a wheel gun....what say ye?
Need I say more G20 and Hardcast
Some things you have to do to a Glock to better handle the Underwood Hardcast Bear loads. But I have 20 years on the trail with the G20 in Bear Territory. G20 sell like hot cakes in Alaska.


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I have both a SW 629 4” and a G20 for the past 20 years the G20 gets carried the most here in Alaska. I have upgraded to better handle loads over 200gr / 220gr over 1100 fps for Bear protection. Both my sons have G20 also for the trail.
Need I say more G20 and Hardcast
Some things you have to do to a Glock to better handle the Underwood Hardcast Bear loads. But I have 20 years on the trail with the G20 in Bear Territory. G20 sell like hot cakes in Alaska.
Do you have like a picture for proof that the G20 works?
... he put all 6 rounds of 44 mag into the mid section while under the bear. ...
I suppose that was five more than a 10mm pistol would have fired.

Pistols are better after you get them fully drawn and before you close to direct contact.
I’m currently part way into this same swap out. .44 to 10mm. I’d load the 10mm for the weight but I live in a strange place to get ammo(.44 is empty too) . More coming soon. I went with the Springfield over a Glock because of the 2nd safety, I feel like I’d be more likely to carry it chambered. Maybe.

My .44 is a five shot (new 10mm is 15) and I’m a Mary about carrying it hot, so in the back of my mind I’m always wondering if the 4 shots would even be worth it. It’s ported but still hurts my middle finger banging against trigger guard when I shoot it.

I’ve never been in a true scary bear encounter yet. I did have that .44 in my left hand while throwing rocks over a griz with my right hand trying to get him to stand up for my brother to shoot him with a bow. Intense stuff. In the end I chose to just not move after the shot instead of moving to right hand.

The whole thing seems silly in the big picture, but i do like the feel of a pistol laying close to me when I sleep at night in scary bear country. I know, I'm a Mary.
You've probably had a fully loaded pocket revolver pointing at you lots of times. I know mine points at multiple people daily and has done for decades.
Carry nothing but a bow, and a Buck stockman for up close work, you will find your senses more finely tuned than normal when a rear track longer than your boot (not including the claw imprints) is still slowly filling with water on the muddy trail. Your footsteps are somehow lighter.

I had a very thrilling encounter with a mama griz at 20 yards and was invited that night for blue grouse over the fire by the neighbouring camper at the T/H. After some liquid courage was imbibed in and the story told he gave me some excellent advice.

"Wait until she charges, keep waiting until she is within 10'. Drop that stupid bow, reach into the back of your drawers and throw whatever you find right in her face..." The campfire circle erupted with appropriate laughter and then he continued, "and don't you worry none about having nothing to throw, it'll be there when you need it!"
Story Time
Salmon Fishing the Kenai River at Russian Creek across from me was another fisherman. We watched a big brown bear sneak up behind him we started yelling and waving but the fisherman smiled at us and waved back. He had his few fish tied to sting attached to his belt in the water beside him. The big bear went after the fish and the fisherman used his fishing knife to cut the string. The bear ran off into the woods behind him with a salmon in his mouth. I had my 44 Mag drew but did not fire. We all laughed and waved back at him.

Had my lab on Montana Creek fishing for kings. A big sow and cub brown bear came down the creek and my Lab went after them in the water. I thought for sure I lost my lab. He went around the bend in the current out of site. I chased down the bank hoping the river or bear didn’t take my dog. I went about 1/4 mile and my great lab emerged from the river with a stick in his mouth and no sign of bear.
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Another story
Cold Foot camp ground
Girls in tent and the black bear came in drug the girl from the tent, the girl stayed inside the thick sleeping bag and as the bear attacked her the sleeping bag protected her. She did have minor abrasions but a lot of Trauma. Lucky for her that was a thick sleeping bag.
I could tell bear stories all day long good and bad !
Story Time
Salmon Fishing the Kenai River at Russian Creek across from me was another fisherman. We watched a big brown bear sneak up behind him we started yelling and waving but the fisherman smiled at us and waved back. He had his few fish tied to sting attached to his belt in the water beside him. The big bear went after the fish and the fisherman used his fishing knife to cut the string. The bear ran off into the woods behind him with a salmon in his mouth. I had my 44 Mag drew but did not fire. We all laughed and waved back at him.

Had my lab on Montana Creek fishing for kings. A big sow and cub brown bear came down the creek and my Lab went after them in the water. I thought for sure I lost my lab. He went around the bend in the current out of site. I chased down the bank hoping the river or bear didn’t take my dog. I went about 1/4 mile and my great lab emerged from the river with a stick in his mouth and no sign of bear.
Wheel gun will not jam..
Heavier loads with 44.
We always carry our 44s over 10mm.
Just practice
In 25 years never had my Glock 22 and 20 jam or malfunction.
Was in the gun biz for many years as well and never heard of a Glock jamming..Other semis, yes..I also had wheel guns come in for being locked up.. Mostly off brands but a couple Smiths....

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