410 breaks archery


New member
Aug 22, 2016
So this is my first year bow hunting elk i pulled a breaks tag and plan on spending every free minute down there i have spent many hours looking at maps talking to people and scouting over the summer so any wisdom or tips you would be willing to share is much appreciated
Well . . . . you can expect a lot of other archery hunters. This area sees it's fair share of hunting pressure from archery hunters. The weather can be hot (90's) with mosquitos, "no-see-em's", yellow jackets, and flies. There could be the occasional thunderstorm that drops a significant amount of rain or just plain ole rain. The mud (gumbo) in this part of Montana is pretty notorious for getting folks stuck. You see folk getting out of the Breaks if they see big rain clouds coming.

Now for the hunting . . . . you will see elk and they will likely see you. I (IMO) wouldn't waste your time trying to call in an elk. The elk here are educated by all the folks walking ridges (sky line) or driving down roads (pulling over to the side) and calling. Your best option is to get a good pair of binoculars for spot and stalk opportunities. If you see a group of elk moving, try flanking them or getting in front of them. They typically will travel with the wind in their favor, though (so careful). If you can watch them bed down and then try a stalk .... good luck. Some folks will sit over water holes and a lot of archery hunters will be hunting the bottoms (willows - along the Missouri river). Not to sound like a "jack wagon", but the elk are where you find them. Also, if you're hunting out away from the river ..... know what is public and what is private. The elk (again, educated) will congregate on private land that does not allow hunting, so if you see a large number of elk on some land .... again be sure it's not private land.

Good luck . . . . I may be up there this weekend. Let us know how it went (regardless if your successful or not). We always enjoy a hunting story.
+1 JMG.

Solid advice. Mosquetos mud and skyliners.

Leave the calls at home. Like blowing an air horn at those elk.

I've been successful parralleling them into a funnel/ambush location and spot and stalk once they bed. Never called one in out there.

Have fun - it is incredible country!
Be very aware of the rain as the roads get very treacherous very quickly. If you are only looking for a spike or maybe a raghorn, they do occasionally respond to calls. There are a lot of hunters as other have stated, but you can use them to your advantage at times. I've watched people ignore the wind and circled away from them and had them push elk to me.
I have heard for years, that elk in the breaks don't like calls. However, I would say my calling has been just as effective and at times ineffective as any other region in Montana I have hunted. I left my calls at home for many years and then one day figured "why not". Ever since, I keep my calls handy whenever or wherever I hunt elk.

I heard one report that the mosquitoes are pretty bad this year, anyone else heard anything on the bugs? I just pray we don't repeat the 2014 season - I donated enough blood that year!
I can vouch that calls are actually less effective than throwing rocks if you are trying to call them in. Having said that the next post will be a 400" that someone called in on a rope.
Rattlesnakes, cactus, mosquitos, Minnesota license plates, and yes lots of elk too.

Don't underestimate the gumbo.
Ditto on what was said before, and make sure you pack extra water and a couple extra gallons of fuel. Its a long ways between gas stations, and they aren't always open when needed.
Good luck everyone, I will be there 14th-25th. Looks like cooler weather is on the way up there..
Thank you to every one who for the info im going up this weekend to see what opener in the breaks looks like ps with gas cans and tons of bug spray in hand lol
I was out away from the river (HD 410) and the mosquitos and gnats were not too bad. It rained Sunday and I heard it got a little muddy. I imagine the roads got rutted up. I heard some elk bugling and saw several smaller groups. I'm sure they got moved around.
Turned out the way every one said it would elk bugs and people a little less than i would have thought from the stories i have hear but still way more people than i want to see out hunting and all the elk we saw on public land seemed to pushed but all in all it was still a great trip
We drew a 410 tag last year so this topic is fresh in my mind. Everything they say about the heat, bugs, rain and mud is true, be prepared for it all! If you get in on the CMR government ground your likely not going to see many Mulies or whitetails, i say this in case you got the combo tag, lots of lions in on the CMR keeps these populations down.

Keep your eye open for rattle snakes, they are probably your biggest risk factor. Just don't go collecting firewood or setting up without looking where you are putting a hand or foot. Me and my hunting buddy both almost stepped on a snake at one point.

Bring a fishing pole! The mussel shell is packed with big old catfish!

Bring extra gas! Lots and lots of roads in 410 and your only place to get gas is going to be Winnett.

Bring a freezer and generator if you can, you get way back in the breaks and get one on the ground its a race to get the meat out before the bugs and heat reclaim it. Have a way to keep you kill cold!

Bring chains if you have then, if your back there and it rains your not going anywhere, not even hunting, your boots will each weight 30lbs after 50 yards of walking.

Bring a deer stand if you want to hunt the bottoms. They hold up in there when pressured.

Don't be afraid to call a little. Same advise was given to me about calling but I used cow calls sparingly and enticed this guy in far enough for my buddy to get an arrow in him.

Tough rugged country but beside the the remoteness and hunting pressure there are still bulls to be had.

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