3rd FF HT league

Time you faced an upset, Outlaw! GOLLADAY puled his head outta his arse at the right time. He's the pep rally mascot for this week.

Reap it - Hilljack! :D
Luckily A-Rob almost equaled him!! But yes I'm due to lose. Lol
Well I'm a fan of the Cowgirls and your Bills D is kicking the shnitz outta them and countering the work my Singletary is pasting on our scoreboard.
Everett = #WallmartRefund? 😂 Thought Maher would be key though not when he missed 2 FG's back to back! 1 pt.
Zuerlein is keeping w/ his FF goals.

Outlaw, this actually turned into a bit of a race... The game boils down to Super human, Cook. I had Hollister though picked up Rudolph. Close to a wash though contrary to FantasyPro's I'm thinking Rudolph has the better TE potential.
So here's my *generous offer; You know, to keep the game eh, exciting. I'll pull my TE slot and in Thanksgiving spirit, you pull Cook. 🤔

Wha...? Bah, Humbug! I think that's a great settlement! 😄

Will be an enjoyable game.
Everett = #WallmartRefund? 😂 Thought Maher would be key though not when he missed 2 FG's back to back! 1 pt.
Zuerlein is keeping w/ his FF goals.

Worked out pretty good I made a run for the playoffs, couple guys I should have started that I didn’t, cost me the playoffs.....
No nails left...

Had Myers been given an opportunity to kick the field goal vs tic toc down...

Great game.
Caribou Gear

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