3rd Choice and Leftover Wyoming Antelope


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2011
Got the truck pointed northeast. Had to work graveyards last night in southwest Wyoming and headed somewhere between Casper and Gillette :) . My third choice tag was available in the leftover draw but had good luck in this unit a couple years ago so decided to try it again. Picked up a leftover in a neighboring unit so that I can hopefully bag two bucks this trip. All spot and stalk. Have through Wednesday morning to get it done. Figured I'd give this "live hunt" thing a try. I'll be pulling into hunt area #1 in approximately 3 hours. First hunt of the fall season! Let's get it on!
Got the truck pointed northeast. Had to work graveyards last night in southwest Wyoming and headed somewhere between Casper and Gillette :) . My third choice tag was available in the leftover draw but had good luck in this unit a couple years ago so decided to try it again. Picked up a leftover in a neighboring unit so that I can hopefully bag two bucks this trip. All spot and stalk. Have through Wednesday morning to get it done. Figured I'd give this "live hunt" thing a try. I'll be pulling into hunt area #1 in approximately 3 hours. First hunt of the fall season! Let's get it on!

I love/live for live hunts.

Don't "settle".

Enjoy the adventure.
Just pulled in. It's 87 degrees and not a breath of wind which is very much unlike any part if this state...but especially this part. I can't tell if this jittery feeling is excitement or the 40 ounces of red bull I've downed in the last 3 hours. Changing out of my neon green shorts for some hunting apparel and kick this baby off.

Going to slowly work along this main county road glassing occasionally until I reach the spot I saw the most antelope a couple years ago when I hunted here.
Strike 1. Popped up a ravine too early. 96 yard stare down. I'm not a 96 yard shooter.
Just killed a freakin fox with my bow. Always wanted a fox. Never thought it would come by use of stick and string!
Didn't I already say I LOVE live hunts. Hope you are ready with pictures as well.

Not sure if fox scent is a good cover scent for antelope hunting.

P.S. Bonus points for Cushman-like flip flop pictures.
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I don't have any flip flops. But I so antelope hunt in extremely thin soled black nikes :) .

Stalk number 2 yielded my first miss of the year and also the first feel of cactus in my knee. Jumped a for. She ran away but for some reason spooked some other to me....kinda. The buck chased after ebdirst doe for 300 yards, did a 180 and came storming back. When the does came by me I had to draw. They busted me and took 10 or so hard steps away. When the buck came Into view I stopped him. Never ranged anything. Aimed for 70 and it went under him. So close I had to triple check and make sure it didn't go through him. Found the arrow....clean!
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Third stalk and tag number 1 punched! Maybe the coolest stalk I've ever made. He was below a boulder field. I stalked onto the top which was flat. Popped up over the top and he was feeding at less than 45 yards. Ranged the rock behind him at 45, put my 40 on him and whamo. Quartered to me. He made it exactly 124.1 yards (in about 2 seconds) and went ass over tee kettle. Dead on his feet. So perfect!!! Pics to come
Buzz deleted what I'm guessing it is. Trying to find it. I never even thought about that! (Well what I'm thinking)
If you could send me a PM as to what I did wrong....everything I'm reading says I'm legal. There's regs on GREY fox. That is not a grey fox....

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