Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

2022 Sask moose adventures

Congrats! Looking forward to the story and pictures. Always enjoy your beautiful area.

Curious, since you already had 2/3 of a moose for meat, are you going to make anything different with this guy?
Congrats! Looking forward to the story and pictures. Always enjoy your beautiful area.

Curious, since you already had 2/3 of a moose for meat, are you going to make anything different with this guy?
W don’t split until after season in case something like this happens when o shoot a moose after everyone leaves so we will all keep our own moose. I’ll cut mine into steaks roasts abd burger and a bit of sausage. Deer becomes sausage first before moose or elk tho lol
He's bigger than any one ill ever shoot. Congrats on a load of fine meat.

Just as an FYI my previous post about the antlers was not meant to impune the animals antler size. It was merely an observation of the angle and point of view
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He's bigger than any one ill ever shoot. Congrats on a load of fine meat.

Just as an FYI my previous post about the antlers was not meant to impune the animals antler size. It was merely an observation of the angle and point of view
No worries and your hundred percent right. I think he’s a big bodied two year old. All a guess as he won’t get aged but for a two year old he has small horns. A yearling bull moose could have horns close to his size. Usually at two they have small paddles at least. He also has pretty light coloured horns. Usually bush moose have nice brown antlers on them
Alright wasn’t sure where to go today but decided to try this spot as I had saw a cow in there the day prior to season and two others cow west of there while scouting too. Only thing that had me Leary about that plan was a couple friends were in that cut yesterday and saw zero moose. Anyways right at shooting light quaded into the cut working the edge making my way towards the back. Once back there parked and walked over the hill to a small ridge. Once there this little bull busted out he was just over the ridge and I stumbled into him. He was running straight away so I waited and waited. Finally he turned quartering away and trotting now went to touch one off and damn safety is on still. Now he’s back to trotting straight away once again. Finalky he turned and stopped for a look back put the crosshairs on the middle of the shoulder got myself kinda steady which was hard as I was Jacked up by this point. Squeezed the trigger and he collapsed in his tracks. Immediately got another one in as dropped animals scare me. After ten or so second with no moose jumping up out of the grass and regrowth trees I walked down there just in case he decided to get up while I was walking down there instead of driving over to him I would have another shot opportunity. Looked and couldn’t find him then expanded my search out a touch farther and there he was. Best part was he died right in the middle of a quad trail!!
You have an awesome set up all around to make the very hard, but rewarding, task of butchering a moose easier. Will the weather permit hanging for a few days or Is it to cold or to warm?
Was a bit warm today but the garage was about 50. I’ll open the doors and get it cooled down better overnight. Tomorrow high of 50 low of about 32 and after that highs of 40-42 and getting down to about 28 or 30 overnight so it will be good hanging weather

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