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2020 NM Mule Deer Recap


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2012
Just returned from our northern NM mule deer hunt last week. Myself, my brother, and my neighbor got lucky in the 2020 draw, so we had three tags and two of us were hunting mule deer for the first time.

Short version: we had a great trip, met some awesome people, endured some weather, didn't get the truck stuck, ate good food, didn't think about politics or COVID (or take a shower) for 9-10 days, and got a little bit lucky.

We overnighted in middle-of-nowhere CO on the way out...

...then had a couple days to scout the unit before the opener....

....wound up spending most of our time hunting the mesa country.

After a couple days of beautiful weather for scouting, the forecast for the opener was for driving rain and 40-mph wind gusts, to be followed by snow with overnight lows in the teens and highs in the low 30s. We'd heard the roads in the unit become almost impassable when wet (definitely true) so we found a spot to set up base camp where we'd have a canyon or two to hike into to hunt even if we couldn't move the truck for 3-4 days.


As we scouted we noted there was very little water as expected, and while we had Sawyer squeeze etc. but it looked like we'd have a hard time finding enough to even filter....we were going to have to burn at least a half day if we needed to get to town and back for water.

Part of the highlight of our trip was we met a super nice oil rig worker that actually went well out of his way to deliver 15 gallons of drinking water to our camp. Gave us a sense of hope in humanity with all the crazy stuff going on in this world that a local would be so kind to out-of-state hunters.

...salvation in a bottle(s)...

With camp set and fully stocked with water for the week, we took some time to check the zero on our rifles prior to opening day....
Opening morning we glassed a wide sagebrush flat and spotted a solid 4x4 with 5-6 does right at first light that any of us would have been excited to shoot on day 1, but about 600 yds out.....he filtered into the trees and we tried to glass him up but came up empty. Also saw 20-30 does that day, along with a young 3x3 and a couple forkies. We repositioned for the afternoon hoping the 4x4 might feed back out in the same area but no luck.

After a night of pouring rain and whipping winds during which we thought the tent might come down on us (and included a cold chinese fire drill trenching round the tent and piling more rocks on tent stakes) day two had us hunting the same canyon, and the morning was slower but we still had 20 does hanging around and another forky at 250 yds. That afternoon I spotted a handful of does and a buck about 3/4 mile (as the crow flies) further into the canyon. I pulled out the spotter and confirmed he was a decent 4x4, probably not as big as the one from day one. About that time my neighbor walked up, took a look through the spotter and said, "I'd shoot that buck." With that, the stalk was on.


We closed some distance, and wound up getting within 200 yds of the does (and a bunch more deer) but the buck never showed again. Found an interesting "shooting rest" someone had constructed along the way.

Day three dawned COLD and if the wind would just lay down it seemed like a good day to kill a buck...

Photo Nov 09, 9 39 06 AM.jpg

....about 9:00 we heard shots from about the area of the canyon my brother was hunting about a half mile away, so we made our way down to him....
Photo Nov 09, 10 37 27 AM.jpg
His buck was a stout old 3x3, with well-worn teeth and a huge neck. High fives all around....
Photo Nov 09, 1 45 41 PM.jpg

....with 3 of us the caping and gutless method quartering was quick work....(well, two guys quartering and me taking pictures) :p

...followed by a straightforward packout with 3 guys to haul one buck...

Photo Nov 09, 3 43 19 PM.jpg
On days 4 and 5 we hunted a different canyon, and we saw shooter bucks both days. I spotted another 4x4 at 550 yds that dropped into an arroyo, and with a favorable wind put in a good stalk to within 75 yds, but not good enough as he saw me before I saw him. He bounced a few times and did the mule deer pause at the top of the arroyo to look back at 175 yds, but not quite long enough for me to settle the crosshairs.

On our last hunt afternoon, my neighbor had a great 4x4 headed his way when it inexplicably decided to bed down at 5PM, 350 yds away and with vitals obscured by brush. Neighbor dialed his scope and with the wind good was just waiting for the buck to stand when after a few minutes a flock of birds flew by that I swear sounded just like coyotes. The buck heard them, stood for a brief second and took off never to be seen again.

Both of us passed on last-day forkies as we already had meat in the freezer at home and at camp.

Prepping skull before packing up....

During the trip we also saw elk and a ton of wild horses. If you listen to the Meateater podcast on wild horses – we now know first hand what they are discussing on Carson National forest having 4x the population carrying capacity for wild horses.

All in all it was a great first trip to NM, and I always enjoy spending a week in the mountains with family and friends. Can't wait to do it again!!
Nice write up. Sounds like a great trip. I was in SW NM this past week and didn't have any luck, but I also had to leave with two and half days left to hunt. Nice deer.
Still sitting here patiently awaiting a deer tag....this will be my sixth try since moving here. Love the country you chose to hunt - there is a lot of big country out there.
Still sitting here patiently awaiting a deer tag....this will be my sixth try since moving here. Love the country you chose to hunt - there is a lot of big country out there.
Wishing you good luck! We got very lucky, it was our first time applying in NM and from the draw odds it looks like we hit on a 3-4% chance of I went into it feeling like we'd already won.

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