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2016 Review (Extremely Pic and Family/Friends Heavy


Active member
Aug 19, 2016
Going put this in the deer section since that was the majority of the animals killed.

2016 was an pretty long and epic season. Not so much due to the animals taken, but more so the amount of time afield I was able to spend with my family and a few great friends. The pics are not the greatest as my DSLR was stolen by my daughters as they have a photography class this year. Hence all of the pics were either taken with cell phones or a Point and Shoot.

I'll try not to use much commentary and just let the pictures speak about most the hunt. I'll just try and caption things to keep the timelines and describe the scene.

We'll start with the 2nd Rifle season here in CO. My cousin and I drew bull tags, and he and my dad also had buck tags. This is the same unit we drew last year. Cousin ended up getting his tag as someone turned it in and didn't want to hunt. Otherwise it is a 6 year wait for a buck tag. Along with us was a friend from CO that also got a turned in tag for a buck. While the elk were there none of us connected. We did however take three 4pt bucks and had an excellent time.

Here is a bull that was found the night before the opener.

He was pushing 29 cows still. My cousin and I hunted him for several days, but were always 1 ridge too far(700+ yards) and a dollar short. The last night of the season my dad shot his buck 2 hours before dark, and while he was taking care of him I hiked in around the ridge and found a lone bull in the 350"+ range. Unfortunately end of legal shooting light left my at 587 yards with no time and no shot opportunity. Was one hell of a rush.

Onto the pics..

Bucks we saw that I could get photo's of

My cousin scored on this buck the 1st night right at sundown

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The pics above are just some of the bucks we saw. One I never did get a picture of had to of been one of the worlds biggest 2pt bucks. He was 28" and every bit the same tall. Of course he was safe on a chunk of private just off BLM ground.

My dad passed tons of bucks including many bigger than the one he shot. He's killed a ton of deer and was really looking forward to trying get a buck as close to his biggest as he could. However with bone on bone in his knee we were unable to hike him into where the big boys were. On the last day he said any 4pt would do, and as luck would have a buck we had been watching all week on private ground crossed over to BLM in order to meet up with the ladies. We busted him coming out to water and feed with 6 does in tow.

Here he is on private

Here he is after my dad put him down

While my dad was taking care of his buck and I was chasing the big bull, a good friend of mine elsewhere in the unit put a stalk and excellent shot on this guy

A Unit to the east of us found my nieces husband and his family hunting. Last day of the season my nieces husband put this bull down

And his dad put down this super buck! First buck in over 10 years
After 2nd season was over, I had 7 days of "rest" until my daughters, coworker, and I had a 3rd season hunt. My twin daughters had bull tags and buck tags. Coworker and I had buck tags.

I only had 1 night to scout, but I found a ton of deer. All does, but knowing the rut was close I was optimistic bucks would eventually be around. While that turned out to be somewhat true, the hunt was tough despite seeing tons of deer every day. Only one shot opportunity came and it was opening morning. The small 3pt buck was at 368 yards and neither my girls or coworker were comfortable with the shot. So they asked me to take it. Well, I missed. We saw several more bucks over the next 9 days of hunting all being small 2pts or 3pts. Weather was just to nice. Other hunters were having just as big a problem as us. Biggest buck I know of shot 3rd season was a decent 3pt but he was 4.8 miles from the road in extremely steep terrain. However, we had so much fun being out together the season was an overwhelming success!! Here are some pics!


A 2pt we found. Didn't have equipment to get across the river safely and without freezing in super cold water. Coworker wanted to shoot this buck as it would have been his 1st big game animal. On the last day of season we gave a ride to young guys who did exactly what we couldn't. Also one of their 1st animals and a big kudos to them for being prepared.

After 9 days of hard hunting our season came to an end with no bucks or bulls down.

Coworker who is also my kids Godfather

My family

Despite these animals being on private hay fields, they are not stupid. Any movement towards them and they will put distance and terrain between you. They also seem to know where the small pockets of private are that you cannot hunt. Had a failed stalk on Sat. morning and a missed shot on Sat night. BIL's rangefinder must have picked up a bush way shorter than the elk were. Said it was 244 yards but watched the impact way too short and low. Guessing it was over 450.

The best part about this hunt is my son was along for the whole ride and got to participate in everything. Even being the "mature" one when I was upset with myself for missing. He truly is a insightful and mature young man. Sunday morning finally saw it happen and I got my cow at 92 yards. However 8 degree temps makes for a very cold exercise in field care. But we made short work of it and we were home after a 5 hour drive home by 7pm. She fell right at 1st light that morning.

Looking forward to what 2017 brings. Hope everyone here at the forum are either having great hunts or have had great hunts this fall.
Thank you very much gentleman!! Was a very fun year and a continuation of sorts of last years seasons. Hopefully 2017 will be good as well.
Crappy cell phone pics, but thought I'd post a few pics of the herd we hunted. Was indeed 500+ elk

The dark line on the edge of the hay meadows are the herd

Not the biggest buck like many here get. However my personal best. Finally back from taxidermist from 2015.20170413_170310.jpg

My apologies this should have gone in my 2015 post. Sorry folks
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Thanks PH1!

I'm here in the Fort as well. Congrats on that turkey! Excellent country up that way
Thanks and nice to meet another from the area. I'm actually from MS and am currently here for a 1 year stint that ends in August. It is truly an amazing place up here. I plan on being back in late September for archery elk though.
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