2016 Hunt Talk Bear Hunt

I as well just saw the episode. Looks like a ton of fun and congrats to all that filled their tags! Its nice to put some faces to the names some of the members here on this great forum!
For those who missed the episode, I believe it is airing again Sunday 10/23 at 11pm (Sportsman channel).
The episode turned out great!
I recently got this guy back from the taxidermist. 2015 Montana spring bear
Thanks a bunch! I had to message Randy11 to figure how to have the photos not rotate when uploading them. I think I have it figured out now :)
I as well just saw the episode. Looks like a ton of fun and congrats to all that filled their tags! Its nice to put some faces to the names some of the members here on this great forum!

So can I assume they were able to turn this into a Fresh Tracks episode?
How do we get involved in next years hunt?

Great question! I do not speak for others though to share past experience, once we figure who is and who is not able to join 2017 from past hunts, we get a better feel for the room available. This should be coming to a front in the next few months.

On this note as well, this is simply some guys <edit> and gal (Sorry Julie :) ) that got together with mutual interests from this site to hunt spring bears. If HT members wish to start something, I would suggest be the one to share the setting (general area and what to hunt) and seek others here who hold the same interest.
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Great question! I do not speak for others though to share past experience, once we figure who is and who is not able to join 2017 from past hunts, we get a better feel for the room available. This should be coming to a front in the next few months.

On this note as well, this is simply some guys that got together with mutual interests from this site to hunt spring bears. If HT members wish to start something, I would suggest be the one to share the setting (general area and what to hunt) and seek others here who hold the same interest.

What Sytes said.

The fact of the matter is it's just not really possible to go much bigger than what we've done and still use public facilities. And honestly, we've formed a pretty tight knit group of friends and are apprehensive to let unknown folks in.

I would love if our group inspired others to do something similar.
How do we get involved in next years hunt?

A couple of great responses by Sytes and Randy11 to this good question. Please don't take this or their replies as a personal rejection. Since the first hunt in 2014 and it's success we have been asked this dozens of times. From that time the original group has doubled in size by mutual agreement from the original participants that further growth come from personal sponsorship and "good guy" affirmation and invitation from an original attendee. This is not due to a desire to be an exclusive group of "in" guys and girls but an objective understanding that growth has to be kept to a manageable level lest it destroy the great time we have enjoyed by being too much of a good thing.

This whole thing started with a thread by J.R. Young posing a query as to whether a group hunt was something that guys were interested in.http://onyourownadventures.com/hunt...Talker-Hunt-2014&highlight=hunttalk+bear+hunt Out of those original responses of talkers and posters a group of guys took a leap of faith and risked their money, vacation time, and themselves for the chance that it would be a good get together. The first hunt succeeded beyond our wildest expectations and each year morphs into a different adventure with varying degrees and definitions of success.

A few keys to what I think has made this such a rewarding experience for all of us is a shared willingness to put other's success before our own notched tags and an emphasis on shared experience and genuine friendship over killing an animal. There really are no selfish people on this hunt and that in its self is a rarity in today's world. Out of one little risk and sharing what I had to offer, I've gained great friendships and had other hunting experiences that I couldn't have imagined at the time.

At the risk of sounding like we are trying to be exclusive, a real answer to your question is don't ask how to get involved in this hunt, ask how to start your own adventure and develop your own group hunt. If you want it to be bears in MT, there is a lot of info on this board that can be mined and applied to other spots. But, I would suggest that you figure out what it is that you would like to hunt and put the question out there to see if there are other guys who are willing to participate and take the risk and sacrifice to make it a great experience. You will find that with Hunttalk, hunting, and life there are givers and takers, talkers and doers and nothing sorts them out like commitment to the unknown, research, and execution of a plan.

I almost regret that it has to work this way because I know that there are a ton of great people that I would love to share experiences with. But, I think I speak for Big Fin and all of us who were on the bear hunt, that the ultimate compliment and affirmation of the OYOA ethic and what made our group hunt successful is for it to spark other group hunts and great experiences. I wish I could be involved with all of them, but when another group gets together that I can't join and shares their experience on Hunttalk you can bet I'll be following along and reading every single post.

How do you get involved in next years hunt? Make it happen! Good luck and I hope to be reading about yours or other's adventures soon!
I see a battle of the bear hunters reality show in the future ;).

A couple of great responses by Sytes and Randy11 to this good question. Please don't take this or their replies as a personal rejection. Since the first hunt in 2014 and it's success we have been asked this dozens of times. From that time the original group has doubled in size by mutual agreement from the original participants that further growth come from personal sponsorship and "good guy" affirmation and invitation from an original attendee. This is not due to a desire to be an exclusive group of "in" guys and girls but an objective understanding that growth has to be kept to a manageable level lest it destroy the great time we have enjoyed by being too much of a good thing.

This whole thing started with a thread by J.R. Young posing a query as to whether a group hunt was something that guys were interested in.http://onyourownadventures.com/hunt...Talker-Hunt-2014&highlight=hunttalk+bear+hunt Out of those original responses of talkers and posters a group of guys took a leap of faith and risked their money, vacation time, and themselves for the chance that it would be a good get together. The first hunt succeeded beyond our wildest expectations and each year morphs into a different adventure with varying degrees and definitions of success.

A few keys to what I think has made this such a rewarding experience for all of us is a shared willingness to put other's success before our own notched tags and an emphasis on shared experience and genuine friendship over killing an animal. There really are no selfish people on this hunt and that in its self is a rarity in today's world. Out of one little risk and sharing what I had to offer, I've gained great friendships and had other hunting experiences that I couldn't have imagined at the time.

At the risk of sounding like we are trying to be exclusive, a real answer to your question is don't ask how to get involved in this hunt, ask how to start your own adventure and develop your own group hunt. If you want it to be bears in MT, there is a lot of info on this board that can be mined and applied to other spots. But, I would suggest that you figure out what it is that you would like to hunt and put the question out there to see if there are other guys who are willing to participate and take the risk and sacrifice to make it a great experience. You will find that with Hunttalk, hunting, and life there are givers and takers, talkers and doers and nothing sorts them out like commitment to the unknown, research, and execution of a plan.

I almost regret that it has to work this way because I know that there are a ton of great people that I would love to share experiences with. But, I think I speak for Big Fin and all of us who were on the bear hunt, that the ultimate compliment and affirmation of the OYOA ethic and what made our group hunt successful is for it to spark other group hunts and great experiences. I wish I could be involved with all of them, but when another group gets together that I can't join and shares their experience on Hunttalk you can bet I'll be following along and reading every single post.

How do you get involved in next years hunt? Make it happen! Good luck and I hope to be reading about yours or other's adventures soon!
A couple of great responses by Sytes and Randy11 to this good question. Please don't take this or their replies as a personal rejection. Since the first hunt in 2014 and it's success we have been asked this dozens of times. From that time the original group has doubled in size by mutual agreement from the original participants that further growth come from personal sponsorship and "good guy" affirmation and invitation from an original attendee. This is not due to a desire to be an exclusive group of "in" guys and girls but an objective understanding that growth has to be kept to a manageable level lest it destroy the great time we have enjoyed by being too much of a good thing.
This whole thing started with a thread by J.R. Young posing a query as to whether a group hunt was something that guys were interested in.http://onyourownadventures.com/hunt...Talker-Hunt-2014&highlight=hunttalk+bear+hunt Out of those original responses of talkers and posters a group of guys took a leap of faith and risked their money, vacation time, and themselves for the chance that it would be a good get together. The first hunt succeeded beyond our wildest expectations and each year morphs into a different adventure with varying degrees and definitions of success.

A few keys to what I think has made this such a rewarding experience for all of us is a shared willingness to put other's success before our own notched tags and an emphasis on shared experience and genuine friendship over killing an animal. There really are no selfish people on this hunt and that in its self is a rarity in today's world. Out of one little risk and sharing what I had to offer, I've gained great friendships and had other hunting experiences that I couldn't have imagined at the time.

At the risk of sounding like we are trying to be exclusive, a real answer to your question is don't ask how to get involved in this hunt, ask how to start your own adventure and develop your own group hunt. If you want it to be bears in MT, there is a lot of info on this board that can be mined and applied to other spots. But, I would suggest that you figure out what it is that you would like to hunt and put the question out there to see if there are other guys who are willing to participate and take the risk and sacrifice to make it a great experience. You will find that with Hunttalk, hunting, and life there are givers and takers, talkers and doers and nothing sorts them out like commitment to the unknown, research, and execution of a plan.

I almost regret that it has to work this way because I know that there are a ton of great people that I would love to share experiences with. But, I think I speak for Big Fin and all of us who were on the bear hunt, that the ultimate compliment and affirmation of the OYOA ethic and what made our group hunt successful is for it to spark other group hunts and great experiences. I wish I could be involved with all of them, but when another group gets together that I can't join and shares their experience on Hunttalk you can bet I'll be following along and reading every single post.

How do you get involved in next years hunt? Make it happen! Good luck and I hope to be reading about yours or other's adventures soon!

I understand, I live and hunt in Montana. You just can't make room for everyone.
I see a battle of the bear hunters reality show in the future ;).

Ha! :) I'm hoping to see an episode of "Hunttalkers Chukar Chasin", "Hunttalkers Antelope Assasins", "Hunttalkers Pheasant Fantasies", "Hunttalkers Boundary Waters Paddling and Packing" or such like in the future. I'm guessing that if any group hunt wants to land the ultimate prize of the notable Newburg's attendance it would be the "Hunttalk Minnesota Grouse Groundsluiecers Get Together". We've invited him for the past three years and as of yet he has been a no-show. He claims conflict of schedules. I know the true reason is he doesn't want to be out-shot by Julie. :) Ethan and the rest of us have accepted reality for what it is and are just happy to pack out what she kills.