2012 Desert Ram


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2010
Bozeman, MT
The bags are packed, camper loaded and in a couple of days me and a couple close buds are gonna be heading south to see if we can find a big ol ram! It will be the first time any of us have hunted desert sheep but we'll give it our best effort thats for sure!

I spent a few days in the unit this past summer trying to get a lay of the land. In three days of scouting, I saw one lonely ewe...hopefully that will change this trip!

This is the type of country that we'll be hunting.
Timber Mountain Small.jpg

Brushy Mountain Small.jpg
Good luck to you...I can already tell you it will be fun. I'm on my 5th day of scouting for mine. Have found 7 rams over 145 so far. If the sheep you're hunting have similar habits....concentrate your glassing efforts on the lower half of the mountain. Best of luck.
Good luck to you...I can already tell you it will be fun. I'm on my 5th day of scouting for mine. Have found 7 rams over 145 so far. If the sheep you're hunting have similar habits....concentrate your glassing efforts on the lower half of the mountain. Best of luck.

Thanks for the advice Buzz! Good Luck to you as well!!
My dad deer hunted that unit the last 2 years and saw rams both times. Let me talk to him tonight and see if I can get you some more info. Send me a pm with your email or phone number and I will get in touch with you.

Best of luck on the hunt...will be a fantastic adventure i am sure with plenty of time behind the glass and i hope you leave lots of boot prints in the desert dust in wild places!
Best of luck! Remember I'm just a bit south if you need anything. Feel free to give me a call.
Go git 'er done --- I'll be following your hunt with interest (I'm sitting with 20 pts. here in Arizona)!!! Be safe climbing around all those rocks ...

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