PEAX Equipment

2012 British Columbia Mountain Goat Hunt...


Active member
May 9, 2016
Williams Lake BC Canada
2012 Was my first year goat hunting. It was also the first hunt where I didn't have anyone showing me the ropes. All my knowledge had to come from watching youtube videos, reading and just straight up getting out there and doing it.

I was living in Vancouver, but then I was promoted at work. Along with the promotion came a transfer up to Smithers BC. Someone on a hunting forum told me to meet up with a certain goat hunting monster and chase mountain goats. The person I was suppose to meet up with ended up getting a transfer south. So I was on my own.

I started reading our hunting draw synopsis. I picked areas fairly close to my new home and just applied for the area with the best odds. I draws had to be submitted by mid-late May, but I was already cutting trail in April.

I managed to get my goat draw. However with my new promotion, I was limited to weekend warrior trips up the mountain. My gear was absolute beginner, but I got out and my knowledge seemed to grow exponentially. I never did get a goat that year, so here's a bunch of scenery...

The gear I started out with




My camping spot



Just after this picture, a grizzly came out of the timber a ways up. Probably 200 yards or so away. He winded me and bailed right away. I'm not afraid of bears, but you know... keep them in the back of your mind... I took two steps after the bear disappeared and all hell broke loose. A grouse hen came out of a juniper tree straight for me, her chicks went the other way. I've never unslung my rifle so fast and tried to line up a shot on a grouse at point blank before. Wisely... we all went our separate ways LOL.






This is where I spent new years 2012 into 2013. It was probably one of the colder sleeps I've had. Not the coldest... but still quite cold. I've since upgraded my tent...
Awesome country! I was seeing rattlesnakes every hour or so on a pronghorn hunt in the SW and at some point stepped on a long stick that teeter-tottered making it look like a snake popping up just ahead of my step. I not only jumped but also twisted and hopped even as recognized was not a snake. The adrenaline rush ramped up for several seconds after the stick retreated. Glad the bear went the other way on your hunt. Thanks for posting the recap.
As for cold weather camping, I can stay comfortable to 10F or so if have a dry sleeping bag which is of suitable weight and I wear a good stocking cap pulled down over my ears and a sleeping eye patch over my eyes then staying just inside the top of the sleeping bag so some air can get to where I can breathe fresh air but otherwise not much skin exposed to that air. I have another sleeping bag rated for colder temps but is too heavy to realistically backpack.
Great pictures! Looks like you put in a great effort at finding a billy. Goats are one of my favorite animals to hunt. Nothing is ever easy about getting around in the country they call home.
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