$1,200 for a lab puppy?

So short answer is not to buy a 5 month old "started" dog?

I would have a hard time buying a 5 month old pup.

It is also hard for me to sale pups less than 4 months old, during the two critical stages of a puppies life, 7 to 12 and 12 to 16 weeks. I hate the thought of my pups characteristics to be in the fate of some one elses hands.

If it is an older started dog, it would be best if you could see it in person.
Thanks for the link to that site. I called on the one you linked in post 45.

I'll keep looking, there are several in Texas, but the first few I looked at are 800+ miles away so it would still be a sight unseen shipping type transaction.
I have had bad experiences with expensive dogs and great experiences with free dogs. I would say if you aren't trying to win competitions with you dog, but want a family dog it has more to do with how much time you spend working with/loving your pup and less about the blood lines. I would lean towards a more laid back pup for family work than a high intensity/expensive pup myself. Best of luck!
Looks like I'm done looking for a puppy. We are picking up one this weekend in Fort Worth.

We are ending up paying $700 for her and the parents both have good pedigrees and all the certifications. The sire is a trials dog, the dam is a hunting dog. This is the first litter.

Pretty excited to get her.
At 5 months old she should be ready to go afield. The basic obedience should have been introduced at 7 to 12 weeks and training obedience at 12 to 16 weeks.

Buy yourself a book by Richard A. Walters, read it and LIVE by it and you will have an outstanding dog.

If you are not looking for breeding stock ignore all pedigree and focus on parents. Ask for videos of both dogs working in the field and obedience.

If they seem to do well on videos, it will increase your chance of a good pup.

There is no use in looking at 5 years of pedigree if the parents are kennel blind (dumb as rocks).

Can't say this enough. 7 to 12 weeks of a pup's age is the most important part of their life.

Buy the book as mentioned and read it and live by it. Buy the puppy at 5 to 7 weeks old, depending on state laws.One mans "started dog" may be a total nightmare for another man.

Only takes a few minutes a day to start your training. I had thirteen puppies at once (two litters) and started working with them at 4 weeks old. With that many pups and working full time job, they got less than a few minutes a day and the results were outstanding. I worked with them in the morning and in the evening.

If you have any questions let me know.

Good Luck !

I'm struggling to find a book on dog training written by Richard A. Walters. Did you mean Richard A. Wolters? I'm assuming you just hit an a instead of an o on the last name. I'm ordering a book today, is there a specific one you recommend?

Water Dog, Gun Dog, Game Dog, Family Dog, etc.?

Thanks, Nathan
Water Dog - recommended that to each person who purchased one of my pups. Great material, quick read. Wolters is fantastic.
The Gun Dog and Water Dog books by Wolters are a good start, but are a little dated in my opinion (1961). There is better material out there in my opinion, but I've also spent a small fortune wading through it all. I also tend to learn alot more from videos than I do books.

For the basics, I'd reccomend Smartworks Volume 1 by Evan Grahm.

A really good puppy video is Jakie Mertens Sound Beginnings, but its just puppy work.
Okay, I ordered Smartwork Volume 1 and Smartfetch, The video from Jakie Mertens and Water Dog and Game Dog from Richard A. Wolters.

I figure with what I saved on the cost of the dog and shipping I could spend $100 on some books and videos and probably end up better off.
The best dog related advice I got was to make sure your dog knows you are the pack LEADER, and everything he is to do is to please the pack leader. Many wonderful days ahead!!
npaden, sorry for the delay and the spelling.

I have gun dog by Wolters. Every one has their own way of training methods. I'm sure each will work for you. Just don't spend all your time reading and miss out on the most important part of your puppies life.
(7 to 12 weeks and 12 to 16 weeks)

The most important part of your training is being able to read your do(pup). Learn her actions and know what she is thinking and what she is about to do. When you can see her thinking of doing something wrong, you then interupt her thought. After a couple of seconds she will have forgotten what she was goimg to do. All you have to do to interupt her thought is a very forceful "tssssssk!" or if she is close enough, just give her a light poke in the ribs with your finger. When you are able to do that, both of your lives will be much more enjoyable.

The 'tssssssk" is like a growl from another dog higher i the pecking order.
The "poke with your finger" is like a nip or snap from the higher dog.

Dogs (or pups) will always be dogs. Learn her characteristics and she will learn yours.

Have control but don't be a "control freak" over her. You will feel like bashing your head if thats the case. She will get to where she dosen't listen. (like the kid you see in walmart after the mom tells him a thousand times NO, and she still lets him.)

I'm always in a hurry when typing, look over the ssslopynesss....

Congrats on your new addition.

Not sure how old it is, Be careful where you let her"potty" on your way home, her imune system is't fully developed until around 12 or16 weeks.(can't remember)
Thanks for the input.

The puppies were born on January 6th so they are almost 9 weeks old.

They are already doing some light retrieving and working with some water.


I'm going to have to pick between the darker yellow and the lighter yellow one in the video.



My wife is actually going to pick the puppy up and I won't be there to pick between them. I'm sure either one will do fine, if I had to pick from the video and the pictures I would probably pick the darker one though.
Yellowstone Kennels was offering for stud Nitro FC AFC Yellowstone's TNT Explosion - you can google the dog's name and maybe find someone that has bred to him. Don't think you will find the pups will be cheap. I believe Nitro is no longer available for stud and may have passed away but he has sired alot of good labs. Maybe some of you are familiar with the bred line. Alot of good dogs out there..
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