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  1. Ben_BlueOx

    FOID Issues

    Hi All, I applied for the FOID card in July. Its now been 170 "business days" and still nothing. There is nobody you can reach out to as it is an automated service. Is there anything that can be done or am I just standing there with my pants down waiting for the state?
  2. Ben_BlueOx

    Hunting Slang

    I grew up in England and in the south east of London there is a high use of Cockney rhyming slang. for example: “wanna go out for a ruby?” Ruby ➡️ Ruby Murray (1950’s Irish Singer) ➡️ Curry (Murray rhymes with Curry) so translates to “Would you like to go out for a Curry?” are there any...
  3. Ben_BlueOx

    First Bow...

    Hi all, firstly thanks for taking the time to share some input. Iv have just started taking my first steps in the world of hunting and I am looking to purchase my first bow. I 100% believe you need to try different bows to see what is the best bet for me, and plan on going to a local archery...
  4. Ben_BlueOx

    Hunting deer Illinois

    Hi all, Is there anyone from Illinois (I’m located in the North, 40mins from Illinois/Wisconsin border) that plans to get out deer hunting. I’m new to hunting, so would be really interested to tag along on scouting days and pick your brains and maybe tag along for the Hunt day too. Would just...
  5. Ben_BlueOx

    Calling all Hunting Businesses

    Hi, I own a small media agency in Illinois. I focus on Branding, Marketing, Social Media and digital strategy. Times are crazy right now, especially for small business, so if you are a hunting store, guide, outfitters, outdoor brand or anything in between, I would love to find a way to support...
  6. Ben_BlueOx

    Big Buy Gear

    So depending on brand I can be an XL to a 3XL. I have been looking online at mainly Sitka and Kuiu. Have you had any experience with these? How was the fit? It looks like both charge “restocking fees” even for an exchange. Are there any retail stores you know of that stock these brands so you...
  7. Ben_BlueOx

    Locating public land

    Hey, I’m not sure if this is the right spot for this, so hopefully I am asking the right crowd. I’m new to hunting, now live in Illinois and grew up in England, so public/private and everything in between hasn’t been something I have come up across before. so first, I downloaded the On-X app...
  8. Ben_BlueOx

    Putting in reps?!

    Hi All, I am new to the hunting world, located in Northern Illinois. I want to use hunting as a way to be outdoors, explore and be more active. With this, I know there is a longer archery season so interested in pursuing it. I live in a townhouse located in busier rural Area, so I don’t have...
  9. Ben_BlueOx

    State regulations for rifle deer

    I am new totally new to hunting. My long-term plan is to hunt deer and elk to start. Issue I have is I live in Illinois where rifle is not an option. can anyone provide info on what states allow rifle hunting on deer?
  10. Ben_BlueOx

    Illinois Shotgun for deer

    Totally new hunter...101 responses are still greatly appreciated. I live in Illinois so thanks to the information provided by this group, I know Illinois is a no rifle state for deer, but a shotgun is allowed. what are some key specs and advice on looking for a deer focused shotgun?
  11. Ben_BlueOx

    New to hunting...

    Hi, you might of seen my other recent posts. I’m totally new to the hunting world. No previous experience at all, so please excuse my ignorance. I have only just applied for my foid card. long term I’m looking to rifle hunt elk and such. Any recommendations on brands and specs to focus on...
  12. Ben_BlueOx

    Can you provide some basics

    New to the forum, completely new to hunting. Thanks to “Shelter-in-place” and discovering fresh tracks on amazon, I then came across this forum. I noticed in the show and posts on here there are a lot of discussions about tags, points, and apply for a draw. Can anyone provide a 101...
  13. Ben_BlueOx

    Total Beginner

    Hi, Hope you are all well. I’m 34, originally from England, where I grew up fly fishing trout with my dad. I never appreciated those times as much as I should have, and now I’m older, married, with two kids and sharing a different perspective I’m looking to get outdoors more and share some...
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