2014 Mountain Goat is back from the taxidermist!


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
Lubbock, Texas
Well it has been a while, but my Mountain goat that I shot in Wyoming in 2014 is back from the taxidermist. We hung it on the wall yesterday and I'm very happy with it. We should have put it outside first and took some pictures because where it is in the house is pretty hard on camera exposure but I took some pictures anyway and thought I would share.

If you haven't read my post on the hunt here is a link - https://onyourownadventures.com/hunttalk/showthread.php?260812-2014-Wyoming-Mountain-Goat-Hunt!

Here are the pictures of the goat. I've been worried about how it was going to turn out because the taxidermist has been worried about it's cape this whole time. He didn't think the tannery got it white enough. He's been looking at all kinds of different options over the years to whiten it up. When it was all said and done he decided to go ahead and mount it and then get a hair dresser to come in and peroxide it to whiten it up. Once he mounted it and got it combed out though, it turned out that it didn't need whitened at all, it just needed a good brushing which took some time but I think the end result turned out pretty good.

mountain goat side by naathan2, on Flickr

mountain goat angle by naathan2, on Flickr

mountain goat back by naathan2, on Flickr

mountain goat front by naathan2, on Flickr

mountain goat close by naathan2, on Flickr

I think it looks better in person, I really like the way it ended up on the wall and how it fits overall with the room.

mountain goat far by naathan2, on Flickr

This is a picture from last night sitting in my chair in our den. I wasn't sure I would be able to see it very well from up there but I can.

mountain goat room by naathan2, on Flickr

It was a long time coming, but I am happy with the end result. I think it looks like a mountain goat.

These things have a LOT of hair and getting it to look right is pretty tricky. We used an air compressor to blow it out after we got it on the wall and it did make it look better.

At one point I was really second guessing whether I should have just done a shoulder mount instead of a lifesize, but I'm glad that I didn't change it.

Just thought I would share. Nathan
That looks good and so does the rest of the house! Out of curiosity, about how much does the finished mount weigh?
That looks great! Glad you went full body. I'll do the same if I ever draw...
That looks good and so does the rest of the house! Out of curiosity, about how much does the finished mount weigh?

Thanks. I would guess somewhere around 75 pounds with the rock and the goat. For sure under 100 pounds. It was pretty manageable until we had it up over our heads trying to get it slid onto the lag bolts and couldn't see them to get them lined up. The "rock" is hollow with a wooden frame and probably weighs around 20 or 25 pounds.
Wow, how can it be 4 hunting seasons ago that you got your goat? Turned out quite nicely, like he wanted to own that part of your wall.
nice looking mount,,and place to put it,,,,im hoping my nv bighorn sheep will be done in the next month or 2,,im getting a 3/4 mount done coming out of the wall on a 45 and stepping on a rock with his fronts,,will be my living room master piece of my game wall.
That mount looks awesome!! That animal is on top of my list even above a sheep hunt. I'm dying to explore goat country soon. My elk hunt is fast approaching....
Wow, "stunning mate" as we say here in New Zealand. Fantastic mount and makes me want to hunt goat even more (if thats possible).
I'll be honest, I'm extremely critical of taxidermy which is why I don't often reply to posts like this, but I think your goat turned out fantastic!