PEAX Equipment

Youth Gun Scope Recommendations


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2016
Picking up a compact 7mm-08 for my boys to use as an all around gun in the coming years. I have a 4.5-14x50 Leupold that I could put on it. Im just wondering if a 50mm scope is going to be too high for them to get a good sight picture? Any experience or recommendations? Should I buy a smaller scope?
I would be inclined to install straight 4 power scope. A lot of us started on non-variable scopes and have killed lots of animals. One less thing to think about in the heat of the moment. Simple operation, duplex crosshairs, no frills, no fuss, just concentrate on fundamentals.
I always like the VX3i 2.5-8x36 on anything your youths or compact rifles. Light weight, sits low on the rifle, plenty of eye relief and simple. Higher magnification is nice on the range but I think most youth hunters or people with less experience shooting will benefit from the steadier sight picture of a lower magnification scope.
They'd be better off with one mounted closer to the bore line, but Leupold is actually great for this application. The long eye relief and forgiving eye box make them as good as it gets for kids. Start them on reduced recoil ammo.
Mounting height isn’t something I worry about much. There are a buttload of ways to get the comb on a stock higher. Not a big deal but I’d rather shoot with a more natural upright head position with eye looking straight than bending neck down to get eye low and looking up towards your brow. Easier for kids to get scoped the more down their head is leaning as well.

Edit to add: 2-3x mag on the low end sounds good just for youngsters who haven't developed the ability to point at a target and find it in their scope
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My kids had variables on their rifles. I had a set it and forget it policy when they started hunting. As they grew and shot more, they could adjust if they wanted. mtmuley
That'll be fine. Just add on a cheek test as necessary. Beartooth sells one with a.neoprene sleeve and inserts. We killed a couple last year with some pipe insulation rubber banded on a gun.
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