Caribou Gear Tarp



Well-known member
Nov 3, 2017
South Central Minnesota
Question for you guys, my wife and I drew any antelope tags for unit 26. We leave on Friday and can hunt through Monday, I have been watching the forecast and the temps keep dropping and now they're calling for a chance of rain all 3 of those days.

My first question is how do the roads get when it rains, we'll be mostly on main gravel roads.

Also what tactics do you use when hunting antelope in the rain? Do they tend to bed down and stay put or do they stay on their feet?

Given the forecast, don't worry and play by ear. It shouldn't be rain, more like showers. If the road truly is gravel, should be OK. 2 tracks and dirt on the other roads, well that stuff turns to greased snot texture and can be bad

I am hunting west of you a bit and my plans are to hunt unless the rain really comes steady

Pick the roads carefully when wet. You can always get out and walk a bit too
BTW above assumes you have 4wd and decent tires
Given the forecast, don't worry and play by ear. It shouldn't be rain, more like showers. If the road truly is gravel, should be OK. 2 tracks and dirt on the other roads, well that stuff turns to greased snot texture and can be bad

I am hunting west of you a bit and my plans are to hunt unless the rain really comes steady

Pick the roads carefully when wet. You can always get out and walk a bit too
Thanks, yeah I have a 4wd drive pickup that I just put new tires on. Around here a 1/2" of rain is nothing and the roads even off roads are no issue, but we have a lot of granite and class 5 on our roads. Just didn't know about the roads out there and heard they can turn to gumbo and now a good deal.
If the roads have gravel you should be able to find places to drive no problem. It just is not pleasurable walking in the sticky stuff and taking care of the game in the field. I hate mud more than wind or maybe not.
Best of luck on your hunt!!

My $0.02:

1. The dirt roads in WY can turn into some sort of hellish gorilla glue type substance when wet.
2. My experience is that most antelope stay bedded during showers - use that to your advantage.

Also - the smell of the sage right after a rain is simply amazing. Enjoy your time out hunting!
Even if you get 1/2" all at once it will most likely be dry in an hour or three. Gravel should be okay, but I have been on gravel roads that can get pretty sloppy here. Just use your judgement and don't push the envelope. If it gets "iffy", go to town and grab a burger and it will be better when you get back if the rain stopped. Or... 1) find a different road, 2) walk.
Even if you get 1/2" all at once it will most likely be dry in an hour or three. Gravel should be okay, but I have been on gravel roads that can get pretty sloppy here. Just use your judgement and don't push the envelope. If it gets "iffy", go to town and grab a burger and it will be better when you get back if the rain stopped. Or... 1) find a different road, 2) walk.
Wash your truck while you're in town. That mud will turn to concrete once it dries.
Yeah, depends on the amount of rain. It rained on us yesterday and evaporated almost instantly. Long, saturating rains are rare but always possible.
I can't help with the roads, but I've had good luck with pronghorn in the rain. They seem to relax a little bit. If you see antelope and the roads are nasty, no shame in getting out and walking around. May keep some of the crowds away too.
Boots will also weigh a ton after walking in the mud. Second the notion of washing the truck, undercarriage will have TONS and it dries rock hard
I hunted the unit on the opener and have hunted a fair amount. Very few drive in access points at all in the unit. Pm me if you want some intel. I will be up there as well the same time period hunting deer.
Best of luck on your hunt!!

My $0.02:

1. The dirt roads in WY can turn into some sort of hellish gorilla glue type substance when wet.
2. My experience is that most antelope stay bedded during showers - use that to your advantage.

Also - the smell of the sage right after a rain is simply amazing. Enjoy your time out hunting!
absolutely, make sure you have tire chains and shovel. often you will just see their horns sticking up over the brush, if they are bedded they are pretty easy to get in on if you approach from the rear.

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