Wyoming youth license


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2013
Easley, SC
Got a question for you. I tried to find the answer on the their website but no luck. My brother and I are planning a trip to Wyoming this fall to hunt elk with our sons. If we draw our license in the special draw do our sons have to do the same or do they pay the youth license price, 289.00? thanks for your help.
If you apply them for a special tag then it will cost the special price.
thanks. I was wondering if it was similar to Montana, where the youth license are unlimited. if applying as a party is it possible for my brother and I to draw a special license and the sons to draw a youth license or do we all have to apply for a special license.
They are separate draws. If you apply as a group with your sons in the special draw, you will all have to pay the special price if you draw. The only way to get the youth price for you son is to apply as a group in the regular draw.
If you apply as a party under the special license...you all have to pay the special fee. You and your brother could apply as one party (both special) and then your sons could apply as a party with the youth fee.

You all could apply with the regular fee as a party...you and your brother would pay the regular fee while your sons would pay the youth fee.

This is one of the big reasons why I absolutely hate the tiered license fees, it really hoses the youth hunters when applying with adults. I've heard the Legislator that supported and helped pass the tiered fees is very sorry that he did so. In fact, he is very likely the reason why WYOGA was handed their ass last session when they tried to get another 20% of the NR tags in the special pool.

I would really like to see the tiered fee schedule go away.
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thanks for the replies. I figured that would be my answer. I appreciate the fact that each state has their own system and that they "encourage" taking youth to the field. If I choose to go hunting as a non-resident, I do not mind paying the extra under the special draw because I do not have the pp to have a reasonable chance under the regular draw. however, I do not agree that a youth should be penalized if I want to take him/her and have to pay the same price. well, I guess if I want play then I have to pay. have a good day everyone.
I have a funny feeling this may come up at the next Gov's Task Force meeting on the G&F.

What do you think Buzz?
I asked this Q last year.My son could have been entered in a few better units this year if the special draw for a youth would have a reduced price.I'm not doing 2 $1000+licenses so I'll use his points where he should draw 100%;still a decent unit though.
There wont be a reduced youth special fee...but, what may happen is to increase all license fees across the board and do away with the tiered license fees.

The amount of drawings being conducted, at different times, with different fees is causing a lot of problems in the draw.

One fee, one drawing, everyone has an equal shot at all the tags.
I would applaud Wyoming if they have the stones to do that. If they do, I hope other states take notice.
As a resident of WY I feel the NR draw is way to complex and favors Outfitters. But its frustrating as a resident to wait 5 or 6 years to draw a good tag.
As a resident of WY I feel the NR draw is way to complex and favors Outfitters. But its frustrating as a resident to wait 5 or 6 years to draw a good tag.

NR's are waiting from 2-6+ years for "good tags" that you can get OTC as a Resident every year...
Not sure I'd favor one fee.As it is now, I can put in for special and possibly save me a year or two waiting versus the regular draw.Cant see how it would reduce the 2 points needed for a general tag in a regular draw if it was changed.Your still going to have same amount of guys going for the same amount of tags.I like having a choice to throw in some more $$ to improve my odds.The guys already applying in special draw will still apply and save money with one license fee.Seems to me that it would hurt the regular draw guys and increase point creep
Explain where I'm wrong in this.Buzz knows way more then I do as far as the draws go in his state so I hope he can show me where I'm off with this.

I don't think it would decrease regular draw results, you would be adding 40% more tags into the draw. I would also like to see preference points lost for drawing either 1st or 2nd choices.

That would force people into making a decision and no doubt slam the brakes on point creep in the mid draw odds areas, region wide deer tags, and also general elk tags. There wouldn't be anyone gaining a point AND drawing a general elk tag. People getting to hunt every year AND gaining a point is what drives point creep up. People using points reduces point creep.

Also, I'm fundamentally against NR's paying more having a better chance. The thickness of a wallet, shouldn't determine who draws tags and who doesn't.
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Doubtful, they wouldn't have to make very significant increases to have the same level of funding by dropping the special fee licenses. I bet less than $40 per tag...and in particular if Resident fee increases are applied.

There are thousands of special priced licenses that drop to the regular draw for deer, elk, and pronghorn every year.

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