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Wyoming pronghorn


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2008
Back from my hunt in Wyoming. Possibly the most frustrating hunt I've ever been on. The pronghorn were bunched up for the most part. Some groups had 100+ pronghorn. Sneaking into range was difficult. We had a stalk going really well to get in range of a group with a really nice buck and a doe and fawn spotted us from a half mile away and bolted. The large group saw them run and off they went too. This happened numerous times. My time on this hunt was very limited so pressure was on. Was still finally able to seal the deal on my first pronghorn buck. Not a big one but he has the typical look that catches my eye an will make a nice euro mount.

First evening sunset
sunset smal.jpg

First morning glass from camp. We just laid cots next to the truck and looked at the stars.
morning glass.jpg

Notching tag!
notching tag.jpg

My first buck
Gregs Wy pronghorn 2015 small.jpg

Charlie and I
greg and charlie small.jpg
Thats a GREAT looking antelope! I have never been on an antelope hunt yet (but its in the works), and I'd be very happy if I shot that for my 1st! Congrats, and thanks for sharing.
Really nice job with the field photos, its a skill you've clearly practiced. Congrats on the buck.
Man, after that write up, I was expecting to scroll down and see a little 7-incher! That is a great looking buck!
We hunted unit 93 two years ago Oct 10th-14th ish. I don't think we saw another hunter in 4 days, not even rednecks ripping around on quads. 2 of the bucks we killed were out of a herd of 100+ It was really difficult with herds that large.

Congrats on the goat, great pictures.
From what I saw the previous week, I think you did just fine. That buck is as good as any we saw and we saw a bunch. Congrats
Very nice hunt, a night on a cot under the stars smelling the sage and cool crisp Wyoming air sounds damn good.
Looks like a great week between 2 awesome states. Congrats on a fine pronghorn. Moving from Idaho to Wyoming and getting to hunt them every year was a real treat for me. They can get in your blood. Splendid quarry - especially when there's hundreds of sets of eyes doing what they've evolved over the decades to do. Those late season herds can be tough! :eek:
Congrats again.
Caribou Gear

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