Wyoming 4 for 4


Oct 18, 2009
St. George, Utah
The antelope hunt this year was tougher than we expected with the unknown of a new area but with study and hard work our anxiety subsided. With only 3 days to hunt we needed to make it happen. My drive from home is 12 hours and I didn't have time to go back so it was all or nothing for me.

We found the 1st buck near the north end of the area. My buddy Enoch dropped him safely with one shot from his 7mm STW. A local came racing up out of nowhere on his 4wheeler in a foul mood. After a quick and easy discussion with the aid of our WY HUNTGPS map on our 62s we were good and he helped us pack the buck out. Turns out he wanted to get his cousin on it the next day. After the excitement we remembered we forgot to take pictures.

We spotted Crooked Horn later that afternoon and watched him as he attended his does on private land. Chris wanted him bad but we spent the rest of the day exploring our area. We put Crooked Horn's location in our back pocket and would check on him later since he was about 1/2 mile from public land. He looked to be about 14" tall with decent prongs and mass. His right side angled back toward his shoulders while his left was a typical heart shape. He was a great buck for our area.

The next day we went to one of the areas we had permission that looked really good but no antelope were in sight. After glassing, my buddies wanted to head south to look for Crooked Horn. Amazingly and luckily for Chris, we found him bedded on public land with two of his does. A long, slow stalk put Chris in perfect position and with one shot from his grandpa's 98 Mauser chambered in 7mm the was buck was down. Grandpa would be proud.


While they took care of Chris's buck Milo and I continued our search. Later that day we spotted a group about 1500 yards off and decided to get a closer look. We walked to a hill that put us within 200 yards of the buck and he looked good. We set up for a 175 yard shot and I thought Milo had this buck in the bag but he pulled it to the right. The buck took off and ran like the wind as 3-4 hale mary shots were fired in desperation. The buck suddenly stopped presenting a momentary shot. With Milo's rifle smoking and running on empty I thought I would be a good friend and snake his goat. I had two more shots in my rifle but only had time to shoot once so I aimed small. One shot from my 7mm Sendero, I accurized for my Nevada elk hunt next month, Stickers lives! btw, and the buck was down. After some apologizes we snapped some pics and texted the guys to see what's up and show off the recent addition.

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We had one tag left and it was burning a hole in Milo's pocket. Since I shot what could have been Milo's buck with 6" prongs and mass, sorry again, we needed to find him a good buck. At 15 minutes before dusk we finally found a buck Milo wanted and we took several nice photos of Milo with him as the sky turned a creamy blue. The buck was wide and what was odd was he split his lower lip somehow either fighting or crossing a fence. He could have had a long miserable winter ahead of him but now he'll live on in Milo's office.

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Sadly our hunt ended a day early but we spent several great days in some very nice antelope country.
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Congrats on a great hunt! I could only see the last pic, not sure if it's just me or not. That last goat (the only one I could see) looks very nice.
Sweet looking bucks indeed! I sure enjoy seeing everyone's updates and pics. Thanks for sharing.

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