Wyo elk or antelope partner

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Buzz, I never said you did not answer the question. why do you make everything a conflict? Apparently your a mover and shaker in Wyo that has serious connections so it would be a bad choice to engage in a conversation with you :)
I poached this from another post on a different web site. I will post it for the comic value whether or not it bares a resemblance to anyone involved in this thread


  • buzzh.jpg
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Who are?, and where from are these new Forum idiots??????
Where are they Coming from!? It's like Mosquitos to a flame.
New you tube episode 1 watchers????


Used to be solid dudes on here - now it's a bunch of drones, roosters and the like posting garbage
And i do mean a Bunch of internet sleaze hunting hounds.
Yes Jim, I have been on party apps and we have drawn tags. Sometimes because of my points and sometimes because of others having more points. I have done so with my son. I have done so with friends. I have done so with members of this forum who I have gotten to know and consider friends.

If you think that my applications with family and friends is the same as publicly posting to strangers as you have here and on other hunting forums, you are entitled to equate them as being the same. I would disagree. I suspect most would struggle to equate public solicitations to strangers as being the same as a party app with family and friends.

I had decided not to post on this thread here, or on the many other hunting forums where you have posted the same request, being interested in where these discussions would go. Given you specifically called me out and you seem to equate the times I've been on a party app with the way you are soliciting to strangers here, I decided to respond.

Personally, if this is what you want to do, knock yourself out. It is currently allowed in Wyoming.

Yet, in doing so as you have, it makes the entire process of party apps seem foul to some. Just a fact. I know you are smart enough to understand how this would be perceived by many, yet you did it anyhow. Again, it is currently allowed in Wyoming, so knock yourself out.

When people read your posts on this, you and I both know they are inclined to see this as an abuse of the existing rules for which point averaging has been implemented. As such, don't be surprised if it causes the folks of Wyoming to take action to do, in Wyoming, exactly what your home state of Colorado has done to curb the problem - take away any benefits from party apps.

Your home state does not allow this point averaging. In Colorado, a party app goes in with the lowest point total of any member of the party. I'm not sure how that came to be, but I suspect it was in response to perceived abuse of the system.

When Wyoming does make such a change to party apps, as I would expect them to do (your post here gives the impression of this abuse being common place), it will be a bad deal for the guy who wanted to party app with his child/family member/friend. Just part of what happens when folks feel there is significant abuse of a process and they take action to try stop what they see as abuse.

Trust me, I could do a party app in every state, every year, if I wanted. I get that many requests. I don't do that, unless it is a family or friend. I will probably share some of my points in other states with family and friends with whom I've been planning hunts when schedules allow. I'm not going to post a solicitation of such on multiple hunting forums that asks strangers to share points with me, even when allowed.

What each state allows is up to that state. And whether or not that state decides to change their rules is often a function of how they perceive their rules are being followed in spirit or abused by technicality. To each their own.

Carry on ......

Well if this just isn't the best impression of a Clinton.....
'My friend got that on her dress.....'
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Who are?, and where from are these new Forum idiots??????
Where are they Coming from!? It's like Mosquitos to a flame.
New you tube episode 1 watchers????


Used to be solid dudes on here - now it's a bunch of drones, roosters and the like posting garbage
And i do mean a Bunch of internet sleaze hunting hounds.

Great post there dude and a Happy New Year to you too!
Who are?, and where from are these new Forum idiots??????
Where are they Coming from!? It's like Mosquitos to a flame.
New you tube episode 1 watchers????


Used to be solid dudes on here - now it's a bunch of drones, roosters and the like posting garbage
And i do mean a Bunch of internet sleaze hunting hounds.

That time of month for you?
Who are?, and where from are these new Forum idiots??????
Where are they Coming from!? It's like Mosquitos to a flame.
New you tube episode 1 watchers????


Used to be solid dudes on here - now it's a bunch of drones, roosters and the like posting garbage
And i do mean a Bunch of internet sleaze hunting hounds.

Wow, you are having a bad day. In case you didn't notice, the majority of the posts on this thread are from guys who have been here a long time. Didn't know you were the only guy on this forum who is entitled to give their opinion on a topic.

Not sure what the got in your britches today, but if you dislike this place so much maybe you should find someplace where only you are entitled opinions and only you have any information worth sharing. Pretty sure us "drones, roosters" and "internet sleaze hunting hounds" will get along just fine without you to show us the error of our ways.
Who are?, and where from are these new Forum idiots??????
Where are they Coming from!? It's like Mosquitos to a flame.
New you tube episode 1 watchers????


Used to be solid dudes on here - now it's a bunch of drones, roosters and the like posting garbage
And i do mean a Bunch of internet sleaze hunting hounds.

Hi, I'm Cody/Sagittarius/St. Louis, shinny objects interest me greatly, pay no attention to me lurking in the shadows.

GUILTY as charged regarding episode 1! I hadn't got around to watching OYOA's, just all Fresh Tracks. So i'm a big fan of the new YouTube content (Thanks BigFin!)

If there was a "garbage" emoji I would add it here... Fin can you get on that?
Interesting thread. What this boils down to is that there is something with value (preference points) that has no marketplace. This guy is just trying to create an exchange of two things with value - local knowledge for preference points. As long as it's legal, I personally don't have an issue with it. But here's the next logical step: let's say I have 8 points for elk and I put out a "For Sale" sign on them? $1000 to join my party app?

BTW, I don't have any points in WY, so this is totally theoretical.
Interesting thread. What this boils down to is that there is something with value (preference points) that has no marketplace. This guy is just trying to create an exchange of two things with value - local knowledge for preference points. As long as it's legal, I personally don't have an issue with it. But here's the next logical step: let's say I have 8 points for elk and I put out a "For Sale" sign on them? $1000 to join my party app?

BTW, I don't have any points in WY, so this is totally theoretical.

That's exactly what's been going on in Oregon for at least the last 5 years. The ultimate abuse of the PP system. I have 20 Oregon pp for pronghorn. If I put that out there you would be surprised at the offers I would get.
Its not theoretical at all...its happening already, people selling the use of their points.
Let's not forget the topic of this thread. Jim is not asking for money. I don't see any abuse in what he's asking for. He's offering his experience for someone's points that helps both parties.
Interesting thread. I can see both sides of the coin, but if it's legal I see no problem with it. That's what's wrong with this country this day and age...people wanting to tell other people what they should and shouldn't be doing, instead of minding their own business. I would rather allow people to play within the rules, even if I felt they were "cheating the system", than to mess it up for everyone else.

For me personally, I do have WY points and I feel that I should be able to chose how I would like to use them. I would never use them to do what the original poster is requesting, but if someone wants to go that route, it's their choice.

I hope that point sharing is allowed in the future. I would love nothing more than to keep accumulating points until my 5 year old son is old enough to hunt with me. I would gladly split them with him to give him the opportunity to go on a hunt that might otherwise be unattainable for him with point creep. I would be very upset, if someone tried to take that opportunity away from me, because they thought they new better than I how I should use my points.
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