WY NR hunters...HB236

I bought a NR deer tag in Montana last year for $64 and an elk tag for $80...

Is there a thumbs down button here!;) Wish I had that option may have to transfer there when a position comes along in my agency one day guess its better than lubing up and bending over every year around March.....:eek:
Hunting/fishing brings in a lot of money to Wyoming...just like in Montana, Arizona, New Mexico, Idaho, etc....
Ive been out there several times and every time PSE the motels and resturants are packed with hunters during Oct. and Nov. both resident and non resident hunters. The amount of money spent is an unreal amount and it would be really hard to tell how much it could change all this. It has changed it tremendously in MT. I can tell a difference at the place we always stay in MT. not nearly as busy last two years.
I hope people set aside thier selfishness and make a good choice here this affects lots of things including jobs that some of the people may not have when business drops 20 or 30% during the year considering hunting season takes up about 3 months. This is not just a game department problem it could reach much farther than that.
Maybe some of those businesses that have been cutting a fat hog in the ass because of the wildlife resources/sportsmen ought to be helping pay for some wildlife management???

Lots of folks take with both hands when it comes to wildlife and give not a cent back.

Just sayin'...
ATTENTION ALL NRs: This new Bill is the same as was just nixed last week except it doesn't include residents. You obviously AREN'T looking at the actual prices of the licenses because the increases being quoted are incorrect! Read the whole Bill and you will see that the prices being mentioned are the fees in the first section that will be tacked onto the regular price to make the special draw fees. The antelope license is going up to $400, deer to $480, and elk to $650. Then add the prices being mentioned to these three prices to see what the special tags will cost! It's an exact repeat of the other Bill, minus the resident increase and the prices are being raised a huge percentage!!!
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BuzzH: That is an interesting idea that you proposed--having the businesses that capitalize on the infusion of hunters pay something toward wildlife management. But how could it be done?
yeah...and its a crock of shit that I'm able to do it. I wrote and called the Montana legislature and voiced my opposition to it.

But, if MT legislators wont listen to the reasons why this law is crap, from someone that is going to benefit from it...then I'll just play their game.

I believe theres a 4 year sunset clause on the bill...so get your "good deal" while you can.
BuzzH: That is an interesting idea that you proposed--having the businesses that capitalize on the infusion of hunters pay something toward wildlife management. But how could it be done?

Maybe the numbskulls in the Wyoming Legislature, that we pay for, could pull every ounce of brain power they possess (combined)...and come up with an idea?

Naaa...lets worry about stupid chit instead like a mystical creature bill, resident preference points, transferring preference points, making sure University of Wyoming students get resident tags, giving 10% of the big-game quota to archery hunters, etc. etc. etc.

It enough to make you sick...

Every person in the WY legislature should read this article, although they will most likely ignore it anyway.

As far as making businesses help out by paying, they could enact something like from Sept 1 - Dec 31, business have to pay an extra tax on sales since that most likely is the busiest times of the year from hunting. They would probably pass it on to the consumers in the end, but it would be spread out more and be paid for by residents and non residents. Or they could just charge a tax like that all year long since there is probably a decent amount of tourism in the spring/summer. Not sure how much that would make up, but it along with doing something like the super tags in MT would sure help a lot.
When the price goes up I will pay it unil it isnt affordable.Maybe it will help point creep for a couple years who knows.Im sure my cost of living raise from work will cover the price difference in the tag:hump:
says the guy who lives on the govt cheese.....

Easy on us that recieve the Gov't cheese, we had to do something 99% of the men in this country wouldnt so they can whine about paying too much to hunt out of state. ;)

But since we're whining, how about passing a Federal Law that anyone recieving gooberment cheese can hunt in any state at resident prices, since we served in the "U.S. Military"

Dang...I love that idea!!! :D

please...... let the discussion continue
The answer to Wyomings problems is blantantly simple. Tax the heck out of the rich, and or borrow the money from China. Problems solved. Why make everyone pay equally?
I understand all the opinions on both sides. I do have to say that the price increase will not make me stop hunting out of state. With that said, it may affect the frequency and my choice of state in the future. Like it or not, the states essentially compete with one another for non resident hunters. I'm like a lot of guys on here. I've got a wife and a couple kids, mortgage, etc. I've got a certain amount of money I'm willing to spend each year on my recreational trips with the guys. This bill will make us take a closer look at the other western states to determine if this is still the best opportunity for the price. It will also make us consider doing alternative trips (i.e. remote Ontario canoe trips) and skip the hunting trips all together. If Wyoming is still the best value for the money then we'll be back. If it's not, then they'll likely lose some business from us.

I'm not entirely opposed to the price increase, but the states need to realize that they are competing against a lot of other states and other locations for our business. If this is still the best value for our money (and if the cost fits in all the guys budgets), then we'll be back.

IMHO, this will result in a decrease in revenue for the state (especially long term and specifically on the deer and antelope tags like Buzz predicted).
Easy on us that recieve the Gov't cheese, we had to do something 99% of the men in this country wouldnt so they can whine about paying too much to hunt out of state. ;)

But since we're whining, how about passing a Federal Law that anyone recieving gooberment cheese can hunt in any state at resident prices, since we served in the "U.S. Military"

Dang...I love that idea!!! :D

please...... let the discussion continue

I so want to respond to this but then I would be breaking my new years resolution. But some guys come up with excuses while others just man up....:D
Easy on us that recieve the Gov't cheese, we had to do something 99% of the men in this country wouldnt so they can whine about paying too much to hunt out of state. ;)

But since we're whining, how about passing a Federal Law that anyone recieving gooberment cheese can hunt in any state at resident prices, since we served in the "U.S. Military"

Dang...I love that idea!!! :D

please...... let the discussion continue

There is a big sacrifice difference in serving the country in the armed forces versus working a gubment job such as the department of agriculture IMO.

Thanks for your servce.

BTW this price increase will surely cause a decrease in deer and antelope hunting especailly. Those businesses like motels, gas stations, campgrounds, sporting goods stores, bars, and restaurants will feel the difference. Not to mention the lost tax revenues and jobs.
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says the guy who lives on the govt cheese.....

I was pretty drunk last night when I read this and replied to it jokingly. What exactly is this suposed to mean? Is it some sort of slam against me for getting VA disability and being able to live on it withoout working a 'real' job? I still pay my child support, and even money above and beyond it. I stil pay my mortgage and taxes that go along with it. I'm still a contributing member of society and to my community. I vote and write letters to the state governments and the the DPW about things I feel are pertinent. I go to college and will be graduating in May with my associates degree. Me not working allows me more time to travel and see my sons and visit family and friends back in NY. I hunt as much as possible around my school and travel schedules. I'm not complaining about the rising fees in Wyoming, and will continue to hunt there. I gave 15 years of my life to this country and saw 3 combat tours. I've been stabbed and shot and got hit with 2 IED blasts. I was given Last Rights in the hospital in Baghdad and was told in Ft Hood that I would be wheelchair bound by the time I was 40. Well, I lived, and I'm not in the wheelchair. I can pretty much do anything, it just hurts pretty bad and it takes me longer, but I'll continue to do the things I can do. So, if you would be so kind, tell me what you meant with your gov''t cheese comment...
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