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WY NR hunters...HB236

If someone's going to decide not to hunt over a less than $100 increase, then they need to take a step back and look at what hunting and getting together with hunting buddies really means to them. You'd be amazed at how easy it is to shave off $100 out of your regular budget to cover the cost of the increase. It's not going to stop me from going up there and hunting antelope and maybe elk because my buddies and memories are worth more than $100 to me.
What we should all keep in mind as non residents is that we should feel lucky that other states share their wildlife resources with us. I know I sure appreciate that I can hunt other states, even though I have to pay much more for the opportunity. I get tired of NR's thinking that hunting out-of-state is a god-given right and that they should be able to do it on the cheap. Thats crap, you dont live here and its more than clear that all States have the right to discriminate when it comes to license fees.

I disagree with this. WY relies on federal handouts/grants for a lot of things. As a tax paying U.S. citizen I should be entitled to hunt in any state I wish. Especially in a state like WY were I know that some of my tax money every year is going to pay for projects in that state. Not just f&g projects but anything that a federal money is used for. WY receives a lot more federal aid than most states, that is the reason why I have the right to hunt in the state, now they want to put more on people like me to help take care of their state.
I disagree with this. WY relies on federal handouts/grants for a lot of things. As a tax paying U.S. citizen I should be entitled to hunt in any state I wish. Especially in a state like WY were I know that some of my tax money every year is going to pay for projects in that state. Not just f&g projects but anything that a federal money is used for. WY receives a lot more federal aid than most states, that is the reason why I have the right to hunt in the state, now they want to put more on people like me to help take care of their state.

Whiner. Don't hunt in Wyoming if you're going to piss and moan about it. More tags available to me and my buddies.
If someone's going to decide not to hunt over a less than $100 increase, then they need to take a step back and look at what hunting and getting together with hunting buddies really means to them. You'd be amazed at how easy it is to shave off $100 out of your regular budget to cover the cost of the increase. It's not going to stop me from going up there and hunting antelope and maybe elk because my buddies and memories are worth more than $100 to me.

It's not the fact that it's $100 increase or whatever it is. It's more because it's an increase in the first place, then to add insult to injury they don't increase the resident fees. It's more the principle of it all than it is the actual dollar amount.
Whiner. Don't hunt in Wyoming if you're going to piss and moan about it. More tags available to me and my buddies.

Yeah, because they're just going to let you have multiple deer and elk tags, I'll state it again, as tax paying U.S. citizen I should have the right to hunt any state I want.....move along

As a taxpaying U.S. citizen, the taxes you pay that go to wildlife in Wyoming wouldnt pay for a package of chewing gum...FACT.

You ARE NOT entitled to hunt in any other state except the one you live in. Each state has the Federal, legal authority to discriminate against NR hunters...and that includes not allowing you to hunt/fish a single animal. it and dry those crocodile tears:

The bill creates an exemption to the dormant Commerce Clause in order to give each state the right to regulate access to hunting and fishing. This is done by a renunciation of federal interest in regulating hunting and fishing. The reasons for creating this exception include the following:

Allowing states to distinguish and/or discriminate between residents and non-residents ensures the protection of state wildlife and protects resident hunting and fishing opportunities.

Protecting the public interest of individual states’ conservation efforts. Sportsmen and local organizations are extremely active in the conservation of fish and game. They support wildlife conservation through taxes, fees, and locally led non-profit conservation efforts.

Respecting the traditional authority of individual states. The regulation of wildlife has traditionally been within a state’s purview. It is in the best interest of the state and federal governments to ensure that states retain the authority to regulate wildlife.

Now that we've established that States can discriminate against NR's do you still feel the need to tell me what you feel you're "entitled" to?

You're entitled to sing the fuggin' blues when it comes to how you're discrimated against as a NR...and thats about all you're entitled to.

Now, I'm agreeing with you that this current bill is crap, I also made it clear that I'll testify against it. But, you dragging a bunch of unfounded bullchit into the discussion isnt helping you any.

Wyoming residents are extremely, and I mean extremely, generous when it comes to NR's. We make 20-40% of ALL big-game licenses (moose, sheep, goat, elk, deer, antelope, etc.) available to NR's...we arent required to give NR's a single one. Further, you'll look for a long g-damn time to find a state, other than Wyoming that gives NR's this kind of opportunity at species like moose and sheep.

I cant believe the R's arent asking for legislation to reduce it to not more than 10%, like most neighboring states do.

If I were a NR of Wyoming I think I'd be cautious when chewing the Residents ass over what you feel "entitled to"...

Best advice you'll get all day.
Get off your high horse. If you state wants to discriminate, that's ok w/me. Don't ask your boy Obama for hand outs then. And I'm not referring to fish and game hand outs. I'm talking about the entire state as a whole, which receives the 2nd most federal aid per capita. As I stated earlier we might as well pay your mortgage and car payments since we help out just about everything else in your state. And they only reason f&g gives 20-40% to NR is because they'd go bankrupt if they didn't.
Im not complaining and really dont want to get in on the argument but buzz do you think with the increase that it will hurt the state? Im still going to hunt cause i have points and dont want them to be waisted. It seems to me that Wyoming depends a lot on NR to bring money into the state
says the guy who lives on the govt cheese.....

I miss back in the day when my grandmom got the gov't cheese and rice. That cheese made the best homemade mac n cheese ever!! I'm not complaining about my gubbermint check...I just don't like the way I earned it. But, I still make enough to hunt in Wyoming :D
NEHunter...carry on singing the blues. You've been schooled and now you're just being a baby.



I honestly cant answer that question with anything factual, largely because its a wait-and-see.

My prediction is that fee increases are not going to keep any NR elk, moose, sheep, goat, and bison tags from being sold. The demand for those is high enough, that even with the increase, they'll sell out.

I also think most of the pronghorn/deer areas that havent historically had leftovers available will also continue to sell out.

I think were the state will lose out is on the sale of leftover pronghorn and deer tags. A vast majority of the leftovers go to NR's (open for anyone). I think many of those tags will go unsold at the higher fees as many may feel taking a "chance" on a leftover unit may not be worth the extra money.

I dont know, like I said, we're in uncharted waters and the situation is unique beings how the economy will undoubtedly have an impact.

Thats the long answer to I dont really know.
These tag prices are not bad that wyoming has on the table much better than what was proposed and I am just guessing two things maybe even one thing stopped that from flying.
1. Residents want no tag increase period no matter what so the N/R pays for that.
2. It was brought up what has happened in MT and ID because they thought they could get by with hosing non residents. Even though I think 161 was more a stand against the states outfitters leasing up everything and people were pissed at them and DIY hunters ended up paying for that one in the process.

Even though I feel these proposed tag increases are right on the edge of really effecting tourisim in WY ref to hunters. I for one only put in for MT. elk and trophy species and as soon as I draw my permit in MT. for elk I will stop that because of the price. I would stop now if it weren't for losing 8 bonus points. I feel unless MT. lowers thier fees they will see a steady decrease in N/R hunters once they draw thier tags. The last trip I took to MT. in 2011 the DIY hunt cost me as much as a guided whitetail hunt in the midwest would have ran me because of all the higher cost associate with the hunt.

The best bang for the buck out there right now is Alaska folks go shoot some bou or a moose is what I say forget those elk for a while! LOL:D
I miss back in the day when my grandmom got the gov't cheese and rice. That cheese made the best homemade mac n cheese ever!! I'm not complaining about my gubbermint check...I just don't like the way I earned it. But, I still make enough to hunt in Wyoming :D

I agree Cushman! Loved that stuff. .... A few more years of this white house Nazi crap we may all be on the cheese again.... Buy the way if I am reading between the lines correctly thank you for you service sir enjoy that govt. check Im sure you earned it.....:)
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