PEAX Equipment

WY Gen Rifle Hunt iso ???


Active member
Feb 18, 2014
I had my first ever a guided elk hunt booked early archery in Wyoming. I went, had a great time but unfortunately came home with my tag unfilled. I had never really given a whole lot of thought beyond the archery hunt but, now that I'm home I have this tag burning a hole in my pocket and I'm headed back. Unfortunately for me, two of the guys I went with tagged out, and the 3rd has other commitments so I am planning to head back, solo if necessary. Its far from my 1st western hunt or my first solo elk hunt so I am well prepared to do so.

At this late stage, my research has been limited but without calling out units I'm planning to head to the East side of the South end of the Bridger Range to try my hand although I am not locked on that. Part of the reason for this post is, being from MN I don't know anyone else at home with an open General Elk tag. Given the right set of circumstances, I'd be open to sharing my camp with some like minded hunters, or if another group is willing - adding my wall tent to theirs.

FWIW, I've got a 14x16 Davis tent and Cylinder stove, electric bear fence, heated shower etc... and it all seems a little overkill for one guy but, if I'm in camp Id like to be comfortable if weather gets ugly. I'm also set up to spike out on the mountain if the weather allows and knowing that others are around the rest of my gear if I do stay out is comforting. Not to mention other trucks and assistance around if things get sketchy makes my wife more comfortable.

So, if you're in the same boats as me, or if a 46yo dude from MN in reasonable shape who can hunt on his own and willing to help pack doesn't offend, shoot me a PM and lets talk!


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I don't know that area, or dates in that area, but if you already finished an archery elk tag, check the type. Where I live and the areas around here, archery elk opened yesterday, UNLESS you had the archery only type 9 tag.

Very possible in other parts of the state there's earlier archery elk options that also work for rifle, but just wanted to mention it.
I don't know that area, or dates in that area, but if you already finished an archery elk tag, check the type. Where I live and the areas around here, archery elk opened yesterday, UNLESS you had the archery only type 9 tag.

Very possible in other parts of the state there's earlier archery elk options that also work for rifle, but just wanted to mention it.
Bob-WY: Its a General Elk Tag.

Where we were at, it was good Sept 1-Sept 30 for archery/Any Elk with an archery permit and Oct 1 - 31 for rifle/Any Elk.
Where I'm planning to head, Its good Oct 15-31 for Rifle/Any Elk.

Unless I've completely misunderstood the regs, in which case please let me know?elk.jpg
Looks like you're good to go, and you were fine before. Luke I said, not like that in my part of WY
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