Why are non-resident hunters allowed tags in limited quota areas ?

If that's what you really think, where does it stop? Can a guy that lives in Glasgow apply for an elk tag in the Elkhorns or a mountain goat or sheep tag in the western part of the state? How about all the guys that live in the western part of the state that want to go to Region 7 and shoot an antelope? What a bunch of assholes those guys are. Should you have to live in the unit that you apply for? Chill out dude.
Lets keep in mind this is just one guy. Not all of Montana.

^^^ This! As a hard working Montana resident who probably doesn't pay as much state taxes as the OP, all I could do is shake my head reading through this. I think 99% of Montana hunters recognize the importance that NR hunters have. Yes, it is expensive as a NR, but to those who can afford it and want to do it, please please please come to MT! The OP viewpoints and statements should not at all be associated with the rest of us
There's plenty of threads here regarding cash strapped fish and game agencies...also plenty of sharp posters from said states advocating resident increases, but invariably the same conclusions/rationales are reached...that the majority of Joe Residents wants their cheap ticket and the hell with NR 's picking up the tab resonates with your respective legislators.

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There's plenty of threads here regarding cash strapped fish and game agencies...also plenty of sharp posters from said states advocating resident increases, but invariably the same conclusions/rationales are reached...that the majority of Joe Residents wants their cheap ticket and the hell with NR 's picking up the tag resonates with your respective legislators.


And boom goes the dynamite.
I hunted in quite a few states in the 80's and early 90's. I stopped and just hunted Oregon for several years. Then I read an article Mr. Newberg wrote in Bugle. He stated to that to keep the North American Model alive we had to participate. That struck a chord with me and now I try not to miss a year going to Wyoming.
You know, if LQ tags did go to just residents it wouldn't be long before someone would want them to go only to county residents.
There's plenty of threads here regarding cash strapped fish and game agencies...also plenty of sharp posters from said states advocating resident increases, but invariably the same conclusions/rationales are reached...that the majority of Joe Residents wants their cheap ticket and the hell with NR 's picking up the tab resonates with your respective legislators.


See Utah is ahead on this. We just raffle off 500 tags to anyone regardless of zip code.
There's nothing to stop Montana from completely excluding nonresidents from hunting on Federal lands just as there is nothing to stop the Federal Government from outlawing hunting on Federal lands in Montana. Keep excluding nonresident hunters and soon they'll stop supporting the lands that you take for granted.
buzzy... in that you are wrong... IF I had my way we'd put a fence around Montana, and a cross fence running north and south to keep Western Mt. from coming to the east killing our last forked horn.

Whoever posted that resident license need increased is dead on, as a Montana hunter I appreciate the subsidy from the non-resident packing the water with an over priced and undervalued license.
As a resident in a payer state, I demand the takers in Montana allocate a greater percentage of NR limited entry tags to me. I pay a greater share of Federal income to support your welfare.

Lets keep in mind this is just one guy. Not all of Montana.

Oh no, you are way wrong. We all feel this way. In fact, I think everyone else, NR and res should be banned from applying for bighorn sheep until I draw a tag. It ain't fair I tell ya, I deserve a ram tag more than anybody else I care about. :)
Sorry Gerald. I say if your Grandparents weren't born here, you can't appply. mtmuley
bambi, I disagree, Montana is not treating the non-resident fairly, 10% is not equitable, in a state that is roughly 30% federally owned. I don't think we need to up it any, but just saying "it ain't fair".

How much federal land do you outfit on?
Well, I pay $1,000 bucks the past few years in MT for the all everything tag. Never used more than one of the item in any given year, tho I would like to. In the past two years of DIY hunting I have dropped (spent) roughly $5,000 in your state each year, when you figure in scouting trips and hunting trips. On years that I have used/hired and outfitter that amount jumps to an easy $7,500. These numbers are on the low side of my estimates.
MT sells out most of their NR tags every year. So if 12,000 of the NR hunters have abt the same numbers I have - and most I have talked to do - that is an estimated 60 million per year into "your" local economy not counting the tag fees that go to fish and game.
Careful what you wish for, Pal. WY is looking more appealing every year and I still want to find time to hunt CO. Money talks
The guys and gals who are putting their lives on the line over in the "sandbox" are protecting all of us, Arizonans, Montanans, yes even Californians. We are pissing all over each here about a very small thing in the grand scheme of life. Ask the guy/gal in the flag draped coffin if they are residents or non residents. This has reached a point where I'm going to puke in embarrassment. GJ
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The guys and gals who are putting their lives on the line over in the "sandbox" are protecting all of us, Arizonans, Montanans, yes even Californians. We are pissing all over each here about a very small thing in the grand scheme of life. Ask the guy/gal in the flag draped coffin if they are residents or non residents. This has reached a point where I'm going puke in embarrassment. GJ

That's because those who serve or have served consider ourselves Americans more than what ever State we're from.

So from here on I propose that all Active Duty/Reserve/Veteran folks get OTC tags in every State and resident prices :):hump:

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