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Where to buy a notebook


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
I am stupid, so need some suggestions from you folks. Pretty sure I will purchase a laptop soon and have priced a few. Actually one locally and a Dell Inspiron 6000 through Dell. I then went to ebay and found some with the same hardware much cheaper (they said they were not refurbished anyway). Maybe there is a comporable model for a cheaper price? I don't want to purchase extras that I don't need, I am just not knowledgeable enough about what I do need and don't need.

  • I only need to compurter for wireless internet, burning cd's and photo manipulation and nothing more. Am I on the right track with the 6000?
  • Am I just asking for trouble picking one up on ebay and saving a couple hundred bucks?
  • Should I be looking at something other than Dell? Guess if I buy them or another, it really won't affect the price of the few stocks I have. haha....

Thanks guys.
I would watch the Dell they are having major problems with the motherboard on their laptops I have one sitting at home basically a paperwait and they want 400 dollars to fix it happened right after warranty went out. My dad has a Sony and it is awesome. You can do a search on google and see what modles they are having problems with but as far as there customer service I have had nothing but problems.
LEmme ask our IT guy. I had a HArddrive blow out of my computer at home and jsut recently got it back up and running. If it's within the year time It's all good but as Wyo pointed out once the Years up..... OOPS :)

We buy alot of Microns around here for the simple fact they make them right here in town. But Del has better deals for sure.

On the Photo Manipulation, trust me, when you doctor your pictures and do that Internet dating it's not worth it I hear ... ;)
Buy the Dell and buy the warranty so its good for 3 years parts and labor repaired at your place. (you can save 50 by making it a mail in repair)
This will add about 135 or so, but they only last 3 years anyway :D

I got a lattitude this past summer and love it, it almost fits in my pocket :rolleyes:
For what it's worth, I have purchased Dells ever since we went to Computer Drafting and have had pretty good luck with them. I also was told by one of my clients that he had purchased all 3 of his kids a Toshiba and that they were a great Laptop. But, the best for last.. I have a 200mhz with a tape backup that I paid only $5500.00 for and I will sell it for Half that and I will pay the postage! What a great Deal! :rolleyes: John

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