Where are MT, 1ptr & TNTCB?


New member
Aug 10, 2002
Somebody asked where they were...I believe this confirms my most feared premonitions.

"SOMEBODY" asked ? That was The one and Only that asked.....

And were are the Pics and Stories Beotch's !!! ?!?!
Welcome home...we are all on pins and needles. Start talking...
I was not real happy with the way the hunt went, but I will not air my laundry here. Four hunters with 12 tags and we ended up with three bucks distributed between three of the hunters.

The upload time in the gallery is just crawling, so I will try to post some stuff tomorrow (or the other fellas may fill you in this evening). BTW, I shot the smallest of the three. I could have shot another buck the other good day we had of hunting, but I got greedy and decided to get closer for a shot. Hindsight, 208 yards was close enough for a throat shot.

Here are some pics of the fisherman. I wasn't there to fish, but brought in a few humpies for something to do. I know they are crap fish, but as I mentioned, it was something to do.

TNCTCB with humpy.

Yours truely with another.

1-pointers buddy with a nice silver.

Pointer with another silver. Seems like he has a fetish about rods in his mouth.
what else happened that you know about his fetish of having "rods" in his mouth??
i am with craig. i wont tell the story of the troubles but i will say for the number of days we got to hunt we did pretty well on the number of deer.
What I like is how TNTCB wore Camo to sneak up on the Fish..... Pretty Sweet.

Sounds like a few disapointed AK trip guys.... HUMMMMmmm. Brush it off, Tell us All the good things that happened. I'm sure TNTCB caught 1-pointer and MtMiller nekid Showering once ..... At least I caught them in Canada when we went ;)

Nice Fish, Looking foward to the rest of the pictures. Welcome home safe Fella's !!
i wasnt sneaking up on the fish . we stopped on the way back from our exclusive island in the van to fish a bit before heading back to the boat.
Miller, I'd hardly call what you gave me a 'rod'! Maybe a swizzle stick!! :eek:

As with most trips, hunting and otherwise, I had expectations of how it would go down. Though it didn't meet those, it was one hell of an adventure. Not sure if I'll ever hunt Sitka's again, but if I do it will be later in the year. The grass was butt high on a TALL HORSE! Quite a bit more brush bucking than I expected! :BLEEP: But, once above that the walking was vertical, but not too bad. These deer aren't tall, but built more like me; short and fat. They would duck their heads and wiggle through the brush like a busted pheasant.

Once we finally got to the beach and up to 'Buck Basin' Miller and BOY (my coworker) had spotted 8 deer. Craig went right, BOY and I went left. About 3/4 of the way up the mountain (just over 2000' according to Miller) BOY spotted a bedded buck at 325yds and started putting the sneak on. Miller caught up with me and we watched the sneak, the whole while contemplating whether we should just shoot from where we were. :D The buck was joined by another and topped out over the hill. Miller went over the top and BOY/Me sidehilled around. A bit over 1/2 mile later we bumped another buck, which took off with BOY shooting at it. He went to check for signs of a hit while I stayed above him to see if anything else came out. I stopped and could hear something moving in the brush just below me. About 40yds down hill a buck was slipping through, it went behind a 'pine' ;) tree and I shot it as it stepped out. Bang flop.


According to our transporter, dragging the deer out sans guts is the best way to get them off the hill. Mine was shot about 1.5 miles from the beach. Dragging a whole deer across a sidehill, through head high grass, over/around alders, and devil's club certainly is a way to get them down. But, packing one in a backpack has to be easier. Not to mention getting to the wrong part of the beach and having to drop your buck off a small cliff (miller's got the pic)! :eek:

The last day on the hill BOY spotted another buck and as able to close the distance to about 150yds and put the hurt on him. That short sucker took two shots to bring down, but he's a NICE one!


PS- The Alaskan Bush Company sells beer! hump
Congrats those are a couple nice Sitka bucks. Nothing to be ashamed of there guys. Now the humpies are a different story. :rolleyes:
Those are NICE Sitka bucks...I'd be tickled with either one of them...BEAUTIFUL capes, too...Congrats..!!...
Congrats. Seems like nothing is as easy in Alaska as it seems on TV, that is for sure. Those are nice bucks. Sitkas are beautiful deer.
Did you guys experience any headaches when you woke up? Any chloroform soaked rags laying around? :)
Those bucks are my favorite animals to hunt, and that's one of my favorite places to do it. Sounds like you saw a lot of bucks...was it too tough to line up on them, due to the grass, or some other reason you didn't bag more?

Regardless, congrats on some nice animals...they eat good too....

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