What's Your Dream OYO Hunt?

Gerald Martin

Well-known member
Jul 3, 2009
This is the time of year I get to remembering hunts past, planning for hunts future, and dreaming of hunts that may never come execpt in my dreams.

I've put together a list of OYO hunts that I would love to do. Some not so likely I'll ever accomplish, others that I definitely plan to do.

1. New Zealand Tahr and Chamois. I doubt I'll ever have the disposable income to where I could accomplish it but I think this hunt would be a serious adventure and possible to accomplish with a lot of planning.

2. A bighorn ram hunt in Montana's unlimited districts. This one has a high probability of coming to fruition. My only drawback is the 8 bonus points that I've accumulated for sheep and would lose if I apply for the unlimited tag. My strategy is to keep applying for limiited sheep tags and accompany and help a friend or two that haven't accumulated bonus points. If we get to where we can find sheep with any regularity then I will apply and stick with it for several years.

3. Alaska Moose. Pretty good probablitity of this happening as my family grows and funds hopefully get a little better. I've got some good friends who have contacts. Wolf as a fringe benefit.

4. Alaska Caribou. Same as moose. I'd like to do them as seperate trips to concentrate on each specie and not rush the trip. Wolf as a fringe benefit.

5. Colorado or Wyoming early season, high alpine mule deer hunt with the bow. I love the high counry. I'd also consider Nevada. Here in Montana its hard to concentrate on mulies when I have an elk tag in my pocket. In the units I hunt, killing a muley in bow season is not something you can count on. I don't think I've even been in bow range of a mature buck in NW Montana.during archery season.

6. SE Alaska Black bears. Someday it will happen. Great scenery, fresh seafood, adventure and I might even try to shoot a bear if its big enough.. :)

These are a few that come to my mind. What are some of yours?
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For your number 2 hunt you can apply for the un's as a second choice and keep your points. I was wrong you just do not send the $20 for the bonus points that year, if your not in the points draw you don't loose your points,
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MT mountain goat. Unfortunately I have to wait 5 more years to draw my tag.;)
I have not stepped to the next level of venturing to other states for hunts. Montana does it for me... call it a bit spoiled. OR just hunting is enjoyable though not as life altering as it is for some of the dedicated hunters.

I suppose with that in mind, my dream oyo hunt would be a muley in 261/270 MT area. Saw one in there that I thought was a mutant! The neck muscles on that muley to hold that rack must have been Schwarzenegger sized! An absolute BRUTE... bigger than ANYTHING I had ever seen in pictures and life ~ and he knew it! Walked along as if he was king of the world!

I would really enjoy a hunt in Alaska along w/ some river venture. Always wanted to do a fishing run along some river up there for 5 days or so... I read an article MANY years back in either Backpacker or kayaker magazine on some Alaskan river where they had the most ultimate float trip! It must have been 10 + years ago - that the article came out... boy, that article had me mesmerized!
One of those huge Montana Bighorns is what I dream of...I've started this year on my Colorado points but the Bigguns of Montana is what I have visions of
For your number 2 hunt you can apply for the un's as a second choice and keep your points.

From the MT regs... " any unlimited sheep license purchased must be listed as first and only choice."

The second choice draw without losing preference points only works to draw a ewe permit in units where there are not as many first choice applicants as there are permits. There are no areas except the unlimited areas where there are more ram permits than first choice applicants.
Good topic!

1. New Zealand Red Stag with some brown trout fishing mixed in. Not likely to ever happen.
2. Latvia Wild Boar (again)
3. Alaska Sheep (residency required)
4. Alaska Moose (again), was unsuccessful the first time.
5. Idaho Sheep. I begin the process of applying and being disappointed this year.

I fully expect to accomplish 3,4, and 5. Another trip to northern Europe is in the works for later this summer/fall. I would welcome a boar hunt in any of those countries. New Zealand is simply a dream.
I dont really have a list, and I've done some pretty nice OYO hunts over the years, more than I ever thought I would.

Personally, I just kind of take opportunities as they present themselves.

Some OYO hunts that I would like to do are:

1. Bison in MT, WY, or UT
2. Muskox in AK
3. Columbia Blacktail
4. Caribou in AK
5. Desert and Bighorn Sheep
6. Oryx in NM
I have a good number of OYO hunts I would like to do, probably should start applying out of state to accomplish some, they include:

1. WY Mule deer/Antelope hunt
2. ID Sheep
3. AK Caribou/Moose/Fishing/Gold(lasting approx. 1 month)
4. CO Mule deer/Elk
5. MT Mule deer/Elk

I could probably name at least another 10, but I will spare you the list. Hopefully I can get 2-3 of these done in the next couple years. :)
WY - My Shiras, although I may need a bit of help on that one once he's down...
AK - Sitka Deer
A lower 48 Mtn Goat and either BigHorn or Desert Ram...Gots to dream!

All with the bow...:D
I've had some dream hunts. Some may not be impressed by what they were, but its all that is really important, and hunts I'd like to do again. In no particular order.

1. Hunting pheasants is something I grew up on, but has become a thing of the past in Oregon. Its something my son has missed out on. I'd like to take him on a pheasant hunt where we get in to some roosters and actually kill a few. We tried it a couple of years ago in Montana before deer/elk season opened, without a dog and low numbers of birds and not being able to locate some of the recommended spots, without success. He had a good time anyway.

2. When my son was away for two years and out of the hunting scene I put in for a Montana deer/elk combo for he and I in preparation for his return, and he drew it. In short, we had a ball and I'd like to do it again.

3. I love Montana HD410 and I'd like to do a deer/elk combo there again for whitetails/cow elk.
I have a long list of hunts that I would like to do, but for starters I want to hunt anywhere out of state as I have never done it before. I have been a member here for a few months and I am extremely addicted and have learned a whole lot. I am now more than ever before determined to go somewhere this season.
1) Antelope/deer in Wyoming
2) Elk/Deer WY,MO,CO
3) Moose (I have 8 points here in WA)
4) Deer Elk in Idaho
5) Sheep/Goat in WA
6) Pheasants in SD
Pretty much every species of big game is on my dream hunt list....but if that's tspecific enough my top five are
1. Missouri Breaks Elk
2. Caribou
3. Mountain Goat (anywhere)
4. Yukon Moose
5. Kodiak Grizzly
You guys that want to do the Alaska sheep better save your money and do it. It is the hardest but funnest hunt I've ever done. I realize you need a guide and a lot of money but if you think you can afford it Do it!

No non resident without kin can hunt without a guide so don't let that deter you. I realize this site is OYO but some hunts aren't legal to do that way and still should be pursued even if you need a guide.

I would love to go to New Zealand as well. I also wanted to hunt those crazy looking sheep over in Asia (can't remember how to spell the country) something ....stan
I've not had the opportunity to hunt the west, so most of my list will be obtainable...some day. I would prefer to use a bow.
1. Bull Elk
2. Caribou
3. Mule Deer
4. Pronghorn
5. Black or Grizzly Bear (no bait, no dogs)
This is a fun one, we have this conversation all the time. My "dream" hunt would mean money and time are not an issue, that is not the case but here we go anyway.

My dream-

1. Dall or Stone sheep firmly in #1 position, why not both since this is a dream.
2. Alaska Brown or Kodiak bear
3. Mountain goat

Reality- I hope

1. "Trophy" mule deer- too much time chasing elk to look for that pig.
2. B.C. or Alaska moose
3. Always wated to shoot a pig. -N. Cal maybe

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