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Whats the Difference between a ....


Poor girl is going to be spoiled rotten, me thinks.
Sometimes the girl thingy is really a boy thingy. Hope their right and you get your girl. You have to have someone to give away someday. I got two of them.
We spent quiet a bit of time looking to make sure. She was willing to show her stuff... Not unlike my boyz.

I'm gunna get the guns out now to shoot the boyfriends !!!! :D
Congrats...Oscar and Mrs Moosie!

I was wondering how many times you were gonna try before you got a girl! :D
Yep....Done. Although I'm still going throug hthe motions with her so we don't forget,... just in case ;)
congrats on the little girl Mr and Mrs Moosie. one father and four brothers. poor thing will never have a date.:D
Congratulations! In a few months you will be Superman for 7 years, and not one minute more. Then like magic you turn into a jackass sucking precious oxygen from her, and Mommy's atmosphere. Squeeze everything you can outta those 7 years, cuz they gotta last you until she's in her twenties.
Moosie, that's great! Congratulations!!! We have been wanting a little girl but are afraid we will get another boy. The two boys we have keep us hoppin and I don't know if we could handle 3.

That being said, some say the "position" of conception has something to do with determining the sex of the baby. Care to share with a fellow hunttalker the position used?;)humphump
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