NEW SITKA Ambient 75

What did you learn from 2010 seasons

You guys are amatuers. Get married in February - no hunting to intefere with, and if you can't remember that your anniversary is near Valentine's Day, you are beyond help. Same with birthdays and stuff.

I can't imagine getting married in September-November. That's just asking for trouble.

Further advice - Marry a woman who has a birthday in March and you won't have things like hunting season to conflict with these kind of deals. ;)

It's really not that hard. If you lost those easy arguments, it is going to be a long 50 years, 'cause there are a many more and much more difficult arguments to come.

For all you unmarried folks, that is the OYOA Tip of the Week. No charge.

Big Fin is spot on here.... I got married on Mothers Day, in May. Her birthday is in February, like mine...

As long as the summer chores are somewhat complete... it's smooth hunting come fall...;)
The best I could do without revealing too openly the competition between marriage and hunting. Haha!

I was 100% up front about what was important to me. Didn't care one bit about the date, as long as it was between May and July. :D So, it's June 4. Wife's birthday is in July. Kid was born on February 6th, 'cause I had a Coues deer hunt that went until the end of December. I know we joke about it, but this was absolutely planned. :)

Any of you who care about your hunting season better triple-bag for the next 4 months....
I am at step 3 of 100 in mastering this hunt edumacation...

I think I'm at least a half step behind you, but I think I'm at 2.5 of about 200,000. At least it feels that way. I saw some great animals on my hunts and struck out. Skunked. Wearing The Golden Sombrero.

Being a new archer, I learned (what I should have known years ago) that the more I get antsy and move, the worse off I'm going to be. I may cover more area and see more animals but they darn sure saw me too. And saw me first. Moving locations and covering territory is great. In the dark.

I'm a slow learner.
I gave my wife a schedule of hunting and prime fishing seasons and told her I couldn't get married during any of them. She obliged and we got married in June.
First wife, wedding date was Oct 24th, her birthday Nov 11th. Length of Marriage 4 years. Date of divorce decree Nov 18th, still celebrate that day by hunting every year.

Second wife, wedding date April 12th, her birthday May 18th. Length of Marriage 15 years and counting.

I only needed to learn that lesson once.
Our anniversary is in March, my son was born in May a couple years later, Almost screwed up on the kid though. Shot my spring bear that year on the 8th and the kid was born on the 13th, that was a close one!!
What did I learn.....

1. Elk will come in to calling when its pouring buckets outside.
2. There are some truly GIANT bulls in MT, available to everyone with a general tag.
3. GPS units are awesome!!
4. There are some Hunting SOB's on this site.
5. I need get out of NW MT once in a while.
Two things:

Hunt when you can for whatever you can... because someday you may end up moving away from places that provide awesome and convenient access to incredible hunting for personal reasons (family, occupation, etc.). Happily, even with mediocre success living in Montana I can say I have no regrets.

Second, make time to share the outdoors with people who make the experience better. I hope when I am old that I have no shortage of "Remember that time..." stories to share and reshare with family and friends.
Great thread, Lets see...

1. just because the gps unit says it is only a mile to the road...doesn't mean that it is going to show you the cliff that lies in between. O.K. so maybe I need invest in the more detailed maps!!!

2. Bull elk can run a long ways with an arrow in their lungs, not generally in the right direction!

3. Awesome encounters in the woods usually happen right when you least expect them too!!
Wifes b-day Sept 15th,Anniversary Sept 26.Years I'm home for either=none.How the heck am I still married???Funny thing is I came home early this year, and she forgot our anniversary.I could have saved some money there.I just tell her at least I'm not home to remind her she's another year older;works for me.Think I'll have to renew our vows to say July
I do realize every year that I'm pretty lucky she puts up with me
learned that you never know what your in for on a 2,000 mile car ride to hunt elk, and that your partner shouldn't call to the elk at 25 yards and draw his bow while they are looking at him.It was his 1st day ever elk hunting,but I'm still not going to let him forget that mistake.And, that we all do some crazy things for the quest of an elk
Can't wait till Sept!!!Hope I'm still married by then.
I myself learned that with a good women ,I don't need a permission slip to make plans to go huntin,I just can pick-up and go!!Been divorced 8yrs and been with my so-called significant other for 6 yrs and no battles have to be fought to go huntin anymore !! DAMN LIFE IS GOOD !! I also look foreward to gettin home to see her!!Have a good new year GUYS !!
I learned:
1. Taxidermy is expensive, even more so in multiples. When you have 5 animals in for taxidermy, a bulk discount can be applied.
2. My 8-year old has a good sense for animals and how game trails work.
3. Bighorn sheep hunting is way more fun than one would think.
4. Hunting alone, while productive, is less fun as I get older.
5. Africa is a big, wild and wooley place. Some places reming me of the wild west...
6. I learned how to stalk game on flat ground in thick cover inside of 40 yards.. I am still not that good at it.
7. Missing your anniversary while out hunting can be a liability later, even with prior approval.
Hunting with your kids can be rewarding. (This was the first year for my daughter hunting big game.)
Having a good tag brings with it a "headgame" that is challenging. Prepare to deal with it before hand.
Scouting trips can be fun, even if you don't see anything.
Don't ever think you won't have a chance at a follow up shot, if you miss the first one.
Some times good luck just happens. Don't fight it.

Oh, and last night I learned:
I am DAMN lucky to have a wife who likes to watch football and baseball and can give me the highlight summary of the game when I come back from shooting, or doing something else. Apparently most guys aren't married to sports fans?
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!. Pay attention to people with more experience than you, 99.9% of the time they are trying to help you.
2. Even when you're tired and discouraged, that next critter is just a little farther.
3. Appreciate your family for supporting your passions, appreciate your livliehood for making them possible.
4. Appreciate a great country for the freedom to hunt and bear arms.

*no particular order but 3 and 4 are tops for me.
This year I learned that I'd rather be a big game hunter who hunts birds after the big game seasons are over rather than a bird hunter who hunts big game 1 week each year....