PEAX Equipment

What are your thoughts

Having a beer or two once the guns are up and the sun is down I have no problem with. Last year on a guided hunt several of the so called "hunters" chose to go to town to drink and missed the next morning hunt. The U-tard ended up passing on a nice heavy 27" wide 3x3 and shot a dinky young 22" 4x4. Definetly don't want to hunt with people who drink so much they still have alcohol in their system the next morning when their gun is loaded. I have observed that in most towns that have "welcome hunters" signs they typically have a beer brand on them and are placed at bars and convenient stores so I've gotta think there are quite a few drinkers/hunters out there.
After I shot my biggest whitetail, I was drunk for 2 days... and hungover for another 4...but I wasn't hunting any longer and it turned out to be the perfect storm...:D

I have no issue with pounding a few beers in camp.. especially if you have a trophy to celebrate... or between end of hunting and dinner... usually lights out after that for me anyhow...

So I guess them 30 packs are standard issue for me....;)
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We are known to partake in the evening around the fire. Has always just been family and a very chosen few who are invited. Cardinal rule- if a beer or a bottle has touched your lips, no driving, no weapons. Never had a problem.
If you aren't up by the second time the cook tries to roust you, your tough luck for the day. End of story.
Have no problem with it. We always have a cooler(s) at camp stocked with beer. Sometimes we get into it sometimes we don't. Usually too tired, just change clothes, eat, re-pack and go to bed. Might sip on one or two while doing that. Other times we've tied one on pretty good at the fire. Changes every night. Either way, as long as your not drinking before or during the hunt and the firearms are put away- have fun.

Exact same scenario. Sometimes it's been late and one beer tastes good. Other times we are in camp early and they cooler takes a big hit. But as others have said, none while firearms are out.
Because I usually hunt by myself - camp is too "rough" for the wusses I know - I will have a cocktail before dinner after a great day afield. If others were involved I would feel funny about policing the action.
If its a beer or two after everything is done its OK with me. As for myself no thanks.
As a shooting instructor for the NRA, I've seen far too much. Don't want to get into a p---ing bout with anyone, just saying case your weapon before you uncase your drinks.
I used to hunt with a brother-in-law who hunted as an excuse to get s--t faced because my sister wasn't there to bust his chops over his drinking. Operative word "used" to hunt with him. A drink at the end of the day might even find it's way into my hand, but I don't make a habit of it.
I don't care, as long as the guns are put away for the day. When a hunting partner has so many that he starts saying he loves me, or my wife, things have gone too far.
Gave up drinking over 6 years ago.I don't really care if others that I hunt with drink after hunting as long as they don't get drunk and act like idiots.Alot of deer/bear camps here are all about the drinking.I don't know how they get up and hunt the next day.I can see the deer guys that sit and wait, but bear hunters here put on long drives thru some of the nastiest stuff you'd ever see.I couldn't do that hung over
Wow lots of good replies on this topic just interested in seeing what peoples thoughts were.End the end it is your decision.Living in the cheese state it seems like most people around here cant just have a beer or two,it always turns into a drunk fest. I guess I have turned into a party pooper LOL.Thanks for all the replies fellas.
Mt dew before breakfast and gin and juice before and after dinner. A couple of drinks eases the pain from hiking all day. It's either that or lots of tylenol pm.
I think in moderation there is nothing wrong with it. I for one enjoy a few import beers at the end of a hunting day and then I'm in bed by 9 pm ;)

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