Wall Tent?


Nov 11, 2015
South Dakota
Ive been looking at wall tents on the net for a while now and thought id get some opinions here. Will usually be myself and two grown boys. Heading to MT for 6-10 days this fall and hope to make it an annual thing. Will the 10x12 be enough or will I always wish I had bigger? I will get it with the frame I assume. If you have any advice Id appreciate it and post some pics if you want to show yours off.
I have a Kodiak 10x14 and it's plenty big enough for 3 adults with cots and room for their stuff underneath the cots. It's easily heated with a buddy heater. It's simple to set up and take down and folds down rather small and is lightweight for it's size. I can fold mine down to fit in a large green military duffel bag with the poles inside and can lift it into my truck by myself.
I stay in a 19' trailer out in Wyoming and was only in a tent for several nights on my first trip out there back in 1992 that blew down and ended my tenting forever, LOL! 10'x12' sounded small to me, but from what John is saying maybe you'll be okay. Good luck and I'll bet you get more suggestions from our member "tenters"!
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My boy has a Montana canvas wall tent.
10x12 with a second door.
Wonderful tent. He can have it up in 25 Minutes
he has 4 full sized cots we use.
It's a bit crowded to leave all 4 up but with three
we can move around and cook in side.
He does not have a wood stove.
A large "buddy" propane heater keeps us comfy in -30*


The Buddy heater is interesting. We have a couple of those already for fishing and can try that for the first year to see if we like it. Thanks for the info all.
The Buddy heater is interesting. We have a couple of those already for fishing and can try that for the first year to see if we like it. Thanks for the info all.

That's what we use in my 19' trailer since it's quiet and the noisy furnace motor doesn't have to run and draw down the battery that is good for days just using it for lights. I just pop the kitchen window open a bit and run a 12' hose in with the propane bottle left outside and crack the roof vents open a bit. I also always have a good CO detector in there and strongly suggest that anyone using them inside have a CO detector just in case as a extra precaution against asphyxiation.
I bought a 14X16 Davis many years ago and its great. I had screens put in on both ends with doors on both ends and use it in the summer, and hunting season with my 3 boys.

My advice, save until you get what you want. Dont buy something and regret it later. Also call the people at Davis and talk with them even if you decide to go elsewhere they are great for advice.

Also please be careful running a buddy heater in the tent especially at higher altitude.

wall tent

This is my wall tent. Its a 10x10. Fits 2 hunter and gear just fine. I'm assuming it'll work good with 3 people as well. Hewn I bought the tent it came with a stove but Ive never used it. Mr. buddy heater has worked just fine.


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We did the outfitter tent thing for a few hunts, it worked and was good. What we ultimately decided was that by the time we packed everything up, we needed a flatbed trailer to haul all the gear, and that inevitably got everything wet and muddy on the trip out, so we might as well put it in an enclosed trailer, as long as we were pulling an enclosed trailer we might as well sleep in it rather than setting up a wall tent, bonus, no mice!
Do you use any type of heat in that enclosed trailer? Any issues with condensation?? 12V or 110 outlets? I am debating tent vs trailer/camper
I have a 10 x 14 Kodiak & a 12 x 16 Davis wall tent. The Kodiak can not handle a snow load like the wall tent. If you are going in late season you will want to cook in the tent which will take up alot of space. I would not go any smaller then 12 x 16.
Two years ago I bought a 12'x12' canvas spike tent from a tent maker in Idaho. It has a suspend able tarp rain fly and sewn in floor. I lived in it for 7 months in 2015 in WV and 5 months in the sierras last summer. If you use it in snake or mice areas having a sewn floor reduced rodent-snake problems. It's also been used on several hunts in Montana. I couldn't be happier about its durability and weather-resistant construction. I think a 12x14 would work better with 3 guys and get a good wood stove. When it gets to 5 to -20 you will be happy you have a good wood stove. It cost about $1000, but paid for itself in a few months of work. It takes about 45 minutes to setup with the stove and rain fly. Good luck on your purchase and hunt this fall.
Do you use any type of heat in that enclosed trailer? Any issues with condensation?? 12V or 110 outlets? I am debating tent vs trailer/camper

There is a camper style furnace installed. I do always bring a backup heater though. 110 outlets. There is some condensation especially when brewing coffee, but opening the roof vent seems to take care of it.
Op. Do some math... Cots are 6 feet long. 20-24" wide. You want 3 of them?

What else are you going to do in the tent? Get dressed? Store gear? Sit and eat meals? Drink beer and bullshit? Use it in September when days are long, or in November,beer when days are short and you are in the tent for 4-5 hours before falling asleep?

Honestly? Take some masking tape on your living floor and Mark out a 10x12 area. Now, throw three sleeping bags on the floor. Arrange them so you can get into the bags without stepping on bags.

Throw 3 gear bags in the taped area. Going to have a wood stove? Put a case of water in that corner, then put a 2' clearance around it.

Now get all 3 of you to sit there all evening, eating meals and talking for 5 hours.

See what size feels right.
I have the Alaknak 12x20 with a Colorado wood stove and absolutely love it. Every time I use it I'm glad I didn't get the 12x12. In my opinion you can never have enough room. Especially on late season hunts when we do our cooking inside.

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