PEAX Equipment

Walking Wounded: Kaibab this week!

Devil Diver Down

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2009
Chandler, Arizona
First time I've drawn the Kaibab (12A West) in about 30 years! Been looking forward to it a long, long time but this late summer/fall haven't gone exactly to schedule. I've had a lung infection for the last 2 months that has allowed me just enough energy to work five straight weeks without a day off, then another 2+ after one morning off work spent chasing quail. All that meant my scouting plans went to heck and my dad and I are heading up there mostly blind.

Last time I hunted there as a skinny 13 year old, I got buck fever so bad on a toad of a 4x4 that I was shaking like a dog crapping peach pits. Took me what seemed like hours before I could catch my breath and settle down - the buck fed out of sight none the wiser to my presence long before that. The 3rd day we had truck trouble and the hunt ended abruptly and early.

I hope for better results this time, but have ratcheted down my expectations with each passing week, while hacking up a lung, stuck at home. I still hope to shoot a good muley and put my dad on what likely will be his last Kaibab buck where he can get with limited mobility after knee replacement surgeries have take their toll on him.

Any starting spot help, encouraging words and thoughts are appreciated!
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Good luck gimpy!

Gimpy, lol. You ain't kidding. Hernia, busted up toes, wrist, etc - it seems like the last 3 or so years I've limped into the fall after being healthy all year long. I hope it's just a run of bad luck and not the medical condition known as Too Many Birthdays.